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Everything posted by Nekrietns

  1. AVG sends out a lot of false positives, Avira and Avast get those a lot less, though they still capture a buttload of virii. In case you don't know, false positive means that an Antivirus thinks there's a virus on your system, but it's actually a harmless file you need for something.
  2. I think something in your Hard drive is going bonkers, it won't take long for it to die. I suggest getting a new hard drive as using your current one will be useless.
  3. Fortunately for you, there are multiple ways of repairing your scratched discs, there are kits and DIY ways of fixing discs. However, seeing as you already tried the famous toothpaste trick, you'll have to be looking at a disc repair kit. A quick google will help you along your path of finding such sets. Now you might think:" But I don't want to waste money on repairing this one disc", I get that thought just fine, but think of the future, you're probably gonna have another scratched disc in the future, and a repair kit will be by your side to best those scratches. In short: Invest in a repair kit, you'll love it.
  4. Due to address location priorities, your videocard, which I think has 512MB of Vram, hogs half a gig from the RAM in your system, leaving you with just 512MB for Windows and your applications, ths, in turn, will cause obstructions because Oblivion will be running in low priority and won't get the space it needs. I highly suggest getting 4 gigs total of 800MHz DDR2 ram, these days it's dirt cheap and it'll do your system a lot of good. Hope this helped.
  5. Ban Deus Ultima for rickrollin' folks. :whistling:
  6. I'm running on a Sapphire Radeon HD4870, I run at 1440x900 at 50-60 FPS. Note that I'm also using natural enviroments and such.
  7. Oh please! If you can't kill a skooma addict without feeling sad you're obviously no good DB material. Heck, I had a blast killing everyone in the sanctuary, killing anyone gives me great pleasure while doing so. Especially if they die a slow and painful death. Gotta love poisons.:whistling:
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