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About jamstertrouble

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  1. This happened yesterday. My SKSE64 was suddenly not working through Vortex. After researching and attempting to reinstall it, I thought I had fixed it except SKYUI wasn't working (due to Error Code 5, not the SKSE64 scripts not being there, so I thought maybe something else), but when I saw my adopted kids (I use the mod The Kids Are Alright, which changes the appearances of NPC children), they all had the evil black face of doom and look like old trolls from under a bridge somewhere. This just confirms that SKSE64 is not working properly. Because I'm an idiot, I kept tinkering with it. I went through all my mods, uninstalled them and reinstalled them, including FNIS. Well, then the FNIS Tool with Vortex stopped working. I'm really upset because I don't know what I did wrong and how to fix it. I have researched and gone through the steps of how to install these two programs correctly (and they WERE installed correctly for about a year solid until 2-3 days ago!). I just want my perfectly modded game back. Can someone please help me figure out how to fix this? The main difference I can tell is that Vortex isn't using the correct icons for the tools, which tells me something is incorrect. I screenshot my Vortex Dashboard to show what I mean by this. Any ideas? --------------------------------------------- EDIT: I have fixed both issues!!!
  2. Thank you for replying to this! I started deleting sections out from what I know I added manually and thankfully, I didn't have to delete very much before it started working again. I'm still not sure what caused the issue, which is what bothers me (how can I learn from my mistakes if I don't know which mistake was made?), but at the same time, I'm just so thankful I didn't have to start over from scratch because I didn't have to delete a ton to get my mod working again. That being said, you may very well be correct that the layering/conflicting data may be the reason for the crash. I will have to tread more lightly moving forward.
  3. Hey guys, I have been slowly working on a personal basement mod over the past few weeks. It's nothing crazy -- strictly personal use. I've been adding components that I've seen from other mods (mostly display type items) throughout the day then I'll play the game a little bit at night before saving and exiting. This means I get to see the progress I've spent all day working on when I play the game at night. Last night, everything was working fine. Today, I started really working with scripts and nearly finalized the entire basement. When I went to load the game, any time I enter my modded cell, the game crashes. It's strictly my mod because I can go back to previous saves outside of that cell and it works just fine. Therefore, something I've done today has caused this thing to crash but I can't figure out what. I've checked the crash papyrus log and can't see anything. I've cleaned it with SSEdit and it all seems fine. What could cause the game to crash so immediately upon entering one cell? I didn't do anything crazy today. In fact, a lot of what I placed was already in the cell, just outside in the void. That tells me that it's not those objects. I've deleted the new items I added today that weren't out in the void and it still crashes. I concluded that it has to be something with my scripts, but I don't see how that could cause the whole thing to crash because most of my scripts were "display_miscitems" and things like that. Any help would be great, otherwise, I'm going to have to start deleting hours of work I've already put in.
  4. Before 3-4 days ago, I had 0 issues saving and retrieving my .esp work with CK. Then, after it crashed on me, it deleted my .esp that I'd been working diligently on without explanation. I started a new .esp, trying to make the mod once more, but now every time CK closes and I shut my laptop back down, when I open it back up, the cells and the new formIDs I make are there, but the content in the cell is not. It's just the void. What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this? I constantly save and have very little issues getting the CK to save the .esp before I shut my laptop down. Meaning, if CK crashes, as long as I've saved the plugin, when I open it back up, the saved files are usually still there. It's only when I shut the laptop down, restart it and open up CK that the content is missing from the cells. Clearly this is an issue. I can't keep my laptop on all the time. How do I get it to correctly save my files?
  5. This problem started about 4 days ago. I had been working on a mod with no problem. Saw it in game, no problem. Then all of a sudden during some editing an error occurs (note: not the same error that you "yes to all", but one that force closes the application) and the whole .esp is deleted out of no where with no explanation. So after being disgruntled for ten minutes, I decided to start all over. The problem is that whenever I close CK and re-open it, nothing is saved in the cells I've edited. For example, I'm making Faction rooms for specific unique items and mannequins. Yesterday, I made 5 different cells and named them accordingly. In these cells, I made new, unique formIDs for the architecture and triggers. I save the plugin CONSTANTLY. In fact, when I close CK out the same day and reopen it, the cells are still there. This morning, I open up CK and the cells I've created are still there, the formIDs are stills saved, but when I click on the cell, nothing appears. The items are all gone. This has happened for the last 3 days with no explanation. I don't get it. I have absolutely NO idea what has happened. This was not a problem until three days ago. Is CK corrupted? Am I doing something wrong? All I want is to make my ultimate mod and I've done is about 10x now, but I just can't save the work. I think it must be CK because when I click to open it up, it acts as though it's downloading/updating CK in some way which seems to be a new thing. Has anyone experienced this before?
  6. I think I followed a good bit, but I will definitely watch more tutorials. If you have any recommendations, I'd appreciate it. I've seen a number of Darkfox's and another user (can't remember the name). This definitely helps though. I don't really intend on making mods for other users (at this point) for the simple fact that I am so new and I don't want to ruin anyone's game, but also I obviously don't want to ruin my own game.
  7. Full disclosure -- I am completely new to modding. I started literally two days ago with Creation Kit. I've watched a ton of tutorials, gone through the Wiki, and feel like I've got a decent understanding of the major concepts. Something I cannot seem to find is how to label mannequins or doors uniquely. I want to label mannequins by their armor type so that when I go in, I have it pre-organized the way I want it to be. Also, I'm creating a mod similar to Crossroads Cellar (for those familiar) as a door hub of sorts and want to label the doors so that I know what room I'm going into before I go through Loading the next Cell. I know it can be done as I've seen it in multiple mods. Any help would be much appreciated. Sorry if this is a simple solution, but I promised I've tried to find the answer everywhere on my own first. EDIT (new issue just surfaced): Additionally, I duplicated the Lakeview Cellar Cell and edited it so that there is a door instead of the shrines/shrine base. I created the .esp, uploaded it to Vortex, but when I go in the game, the shrine base is still there. How do I get my mod to override the main files? I know load order matters, but that doesn't seem to be the issue here. I just need the game to recognize my Lakeview Cellar mod instead of the original cell the game default loads.
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