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Everything posted by xXxDARKNESSxXx

  1. There is rope around the shoulders and tied in the back kinda like a bow. Does anyone know what mod this comes from? I have been looking through mods and I have not found out where to download it. Any help would be great. Here is a picture of the rope. http://img1.chnren.com/2009/06/13/134958214017555.jpg
  2. Do you know where the mod is for the Mai Shiranui clothing!?!?!?!
  3. A lot of those pics you have look a lot like a ton of mods on here. just click on clothing or armor, and scroll away till you find the ones you want. that is what i do.
  4. I am looking for Mai Shiranui clothing. I was gonna ask for someone to make this armor, but I have just recently found out someone made it. Does anyone have a link to this?!?!?!?!?! http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/...-1245081180.jpg I really really would like this mod. I used watch Fatal Fury all the time. If someone could please remake this, or help me find it, I would be so gratfull!
  5. Take a look at that http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php...20954&tab=3 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22236
  6. This is a really good idea. You should have an item called "Body Bag" or "large Burlap Sack" that you have in your inventory or can equip that lets you pick up one dead body and then move it somewhere else and then drop it. This would be sweet to get rid of a corpse so a guard doesn't walk by and see it etc, and also like you said "clean up the streets" :D It could be a spell too, when cast on a dead body, it teleports them to a specific place. Kinda like the spell that lets you warp to the places you pick with another spell. You cast "drop Body here" spell in a location, then go cast "move body" spell on the dead body, and it would send the body to the place you marked. It would only work on dead bodies, not anything living. Even dead creatures it would work on.
  7. A spell that removes all your clothes and kills all npcs within a certian distance. Spell called THE FLASHER or FLASH A delayed spell that after you cast it you watch a creature IE a pig fall from the sky and kill the npc. A spell called "You Killed Kenny!" that summons a bunch of rats that kill your enemy. pong with a barrel and you and another npc go against each other a flower as a weapon a blow up doll as a decoy, you cast decoy and an inflatable blow up doll pops up and your attackers goes after it when an npc swings at you a misses, they fall over from swinging so hard. then if there is a hill they just roll down the hill when they swing a hammer over thier head, the head of the hammer falls off and hits them in the head you pull out a wand a blow bubbles at your attacker you run up and hug and kiss your attacker till they stop and flee from you you give them a "disease" and watch them die slowly maybe in bed because it is such a slow and painfull death you blow off a limb like a leg and watch them crawl after you and suffer
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