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About Shadron88

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  1. Thank you for replying. :) The method mentioned in that wiki works fine on regular npcs, but I was talking about leveled characters, npcs like bandits, guards and soldiers. When I press Ctrl + F4 for them nothing happens.
  2. Hi, I'm trying to edit the looks of/faces of some leveled characters specifically Imperial\Stormcloaks soldiers and guards. In LCharGuardImperial, LCharGuardSons and LCharSoldierImperial, LCharSoldierSons. My problem is that some of them appear with grey faces in game. Is there a way to export their FaceGenData to the texture and meshes folders or make it a bsa file?
  3. Hey, I had the same problem with the dragonflies above Bleakwind and I did some research and I found out that I was using an old version of Brawl Bug Plugin then I updated it to Brawl Bugs Patch at http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/24020/? and the problem was gone, no more lag at Bleakwind Basin. ( I hope this helps )
  4. Hey, I had the same problem with the dragonflies above Bleakwind and I did some research and I found out that I was using an old version of Brawl Bug Plugin then I updated it to Brawl Bugs Patch at http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24020/? and the problem was gone, no more lag at Bleakwind Basin. ( I hope this helps )
  5. Hello When I use the Red version of the Dawnguard light armor , something appears on the bottom of the screen when you are standing still , it disappears when you move or draw a weapon , it seem's like it's a part of the armor , so this it isn't cased by a mod . I have modified my Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPref's.ini along time ago and I can't remember what I changed but I know that something I changed there is causing this to be more annoying and noticeable , because I have removed my modified ini files and I restored the original one's and the problem was gone but not completely , that thing still appears but it's less annoying and only noticeable when sheathing a weapon and it disappears on it's own after a short time . So what I'm asking is : If someone had noticed this bug before or if someone knows a mod that fix's the armor and most importantly if someone knows what ini tweak could cause this bug to be more noticeable . This is the bug with modified ini files : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/591788/? This is the bug with unmodified ini files : www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/591789/? This is the armor: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/591800/?
  6. I'm using ugridstoload=7 and I had random freezes , now I'm using a mod called safety load at http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46465/? and no more random freezing !
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