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Everything posted by desperado2008

  1. CIA has no authority operating in US, those who are watching american citizens are definitely FBI.
  2. You forget the aid given to Europe after WW2, known as the Marshall Aid, and many EU contries have black spots in their history too This, and the fact that almost 200 years passed between the Revolutionary War and WWII; the US can't be indebted to France for THAT long... and besides, the French were the indimidation factor, not the dirt and grit and blood part. That was us. Once Mr. Franklin was able to persuade the French for aid, Britain pretty much said "Aw crap...." and gave up. But the French would never have helped us if they didn't think we could win, and wouldn't until we turned the tide against the British, which, we did. But America and Britain are good buddies now...lol. I doubt that americans could get their indipendence without french army.
  3. so you say, I don't even give a damn I am happy i'm not an american citizen so that i don't have to obey american laws. campared to US, my country is simply a paradise and I love her, at least we don't have to suffer FBI as much as you do
  4. as a foreigner, I put several reasons why peoples don't like americans the french helped americans in creating their country, americans call them "coward" in return after wwii, the chinese paid enormous sacrifice standing aside americans to fight against Japanese empire and afterwards being treated like dog ... so on and so forth
  5. they sure do, the whole world do the same thing, the united states made an example, the rest of world follows. jaysus has mentioned Jefferson---one of the greatest american presidents, but nowadays things work in Hanmilton's way, "winer "took over everything, "loser" left for death, kinda of ironic and pathetic. Rousseau is obsolete.
  6. The ability to say just the right thing at the right time. it's too bad to hear you don't have that ability yet. I hope you will have it soon.
  7. the ability to have another one. :closedeyes:
  8. avatar no, 《brothers》(directed by Jim Sheridan) is the one which provokes the saddest sentiment.
  9. finished as food of carnibals, before that, I'd like to take them out as many as I can, though I doubt if I would be able to kill any, or maybe I could join them.
  10. whatever you like, I am just laughing.
  11. I like that the jerk who’s attacking others first is getting hurt now。I like seeing how he pretend to be “innocent” and “politically correct” after unreasonably accusing others of spying and slanging them repeatedly, it’s too *ban* funny. Let me tell him frankly, don’t take himself for great, a true agent would never get intelligence from people as him who knows nothing but playing video games and picking up girls。 As to R-G topic, If I take side with Americans, I could probably either be persecuted by communist government (trust me, it’s truly horrible), or killed by US bombs just like people in Dresden, in Vietnam, mostly recently in Iraq and in Ossetia if there’s a world war. So, you americans just give me one reason why I should do such stupid things? And timehendrix91, don’t get me wrong, I am not against you or other kind people, I am just paying back to those who insulted and calumniated me.
  12. Nvidia 8600GT is OK, at least to me. frame rate vary between 20-30 fps at 1024*768 resolution. I am a easily satisfied person.
  13. I like my parents and sister, but sorry about not being able to give them better living conditions. I like the novels of Hemingway, especially"the snows of Kilimanjaro" and " the old man and sea" , people are not born to be defeated, that spirit impresses me most. finally I like I am not dead yet.
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