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About PrestonGarvey76

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  1. PlayerRef.SetScale(PlayerRef.GetScale()) Simply won't work because you are setting the player scale to his current scale, they cancel out and don't serve any purpose. Say player scale is currently 0.95 and you set the scale back to 0.95 again. OnAnimationEvent() may actually works and it works similarly to remote events. Though I'm not sure how to know the name because I don't have 3dsmax and I believe the names are stored in .hkx. I'm also not sure if events are received before or after the name of the animation played. I really hope the f4se team would make a function probably OnPlayerActivate() where events are fire right after player activate anything, which also returning the ObjectReference that is activated. The best bet now is to write a f4se .dll plugin to get that function implemented. I could also dynamically attaching scripts to the terminals for the onActivate.
  2. Thanks for the advice. I plan to attach the script to power armor and vault door console as well so player can be scaled to one before the animations, for duh imuhsion. But it sounds like the perk method could be incompatible with other mods in the long run. Might risk ruining saves when trying to make it compatible with other mods. The second method kinda defeats my purpose of extreme lightweight script, I'm afraid it could hurt performance, but I would probably try it as a last resort. I'm running horizon and the background scripts is starting to strain my system already. How about rewriting the script and attach the script to every base terminals/powerarmor/vaultdoorconsole dynamically at runtime through a formlist? It will not work on terminals added by mods but at least it won't break any saves and it is easier and less risky to make patches. Is this a good method?
  3. Thanks for the tip! But how would I able to register all terminals as reference at once? Doesn't the object reference can only be a single reference? Edit: Here is my script. What would I need to write as "Terminal" in the commented section? Scriptname PlayerScaleScript extends Quest Actor PlayerREF float PlayerScale Event OnInit() Debug.Notification("PlayerScaleScriptInitialized") PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer() RegisterForRemoteEvent(PlayerREF, "OnGetUp") ; RegisterForRemoteEvent(Terminal, "OnActivate") EndEvent Event ObjectReference.OnActivate(ObjectReference akSender, ObjectReference akActionRef) PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer() If(akSender.getbaseobject() is Terminal && akActionRef == PlayerREF) PlayerScale = PlayerREF.getScale() PlayerREF.SetScale(1.0) EndIf EndEvent Event Actor.OnGetUp(Actor akSender, ObjectReference akActionRef) PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer() If(akSender == PlayerREF) PlayerREF.SetScale(PlayerScale) EndIf EndEvent
  4. Are there any events that will fire when the player is using the terminal, BEFORE the animation plays. There are OnSit() and onMenuOpenCloseEvent() but both works after the animation has played. I need my script to run at background instead of attached to every terminal for compatibility and safety, so onActivate() is out of the picture. All my script does is to scale the player to 1 when the terminal is activated BEFORE the animation plays. Please help me if you have any insights. Thanks!
  5. It's working, thank you very much! Edit: Ah I'm on my brother's pc with his account lol.
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