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About Wander

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    United States

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. This is really starting to look great! You have put alot of work into it, and I congratulate you for that! I would be very interested in having this as my very own! Amazing job sir! :banana:
  2. I thought that the DB storyline was just full of awesomeness, I never really had a bad time, or felt any sorrow, even when I was slaying the very brethren that had supported me for so long, I guess I am just cold blooded. ^^
  3. I believe three, the actuall Amulet and two others use that same mesh. Maybe.
  4. #532: Reading BOOKS in a Cyrodillian BOOKstore is illegal. #533: No matter how long food sets out, it will always be perfect. :sick:
  5. One time I was taking the hard way to the Imperial City, I saw a guard on top of a bridge. He grunts and spins hitting another IL Soldier who then does a PERFECT backflip and lands with his ribs on the bridge and his legs hanging off! The guard sheathes his blade and walks past the dead guy, tipping his hands with his feet causing the dead body to flip and fall several feet to the shores below, where several mudcrabs scuttle up to feast. I was using MMM at the time(had to disable it due to random crashes :pinch: ) and I heard a fireball blast. I then walked over a hill to see a MASSIVE (about 30) legion of Implings and mostly Ancient Imps. They were moving as one giant cloud along this path blasting everything near them with random fireballs. Sheep were flying and an Imperial Forester drew his blade for the cause and was blasted like 20 feet away! I was able to soil the ground with gallons of Imp blood and kill them all, as my character is level 50, but I still die sometimes! I just thought it was funny how this massive cloud of pissed off Imps was slowly hovering along and roasting everything in sight!
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