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  1. If anything, he has a stereotypical African voice. Jamaican accents don't sound like that.
  2. I've had on(un)equip fail to trigger for me a few times in the past as well.
  3. Check out Real Shelters. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52612/?
  4. It doesn't matter. If they do not respond and their permissions aren't open, the mod cannot be uploaded here.
  5. It's possible that a F4SE-based mod you currently have needs to be updated.
  6. Well, yeah. Each version of F4SE only work with the versions of FO4 they were made for. Go to http://f4se.silverlock.org/ to download the latest F4SE, or downgrade your game's exe to one that works with F4SE.
  7. The creation kit wiki is a great place to start. http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Papyrus
  8. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8186/?
  9. Should I release it as a mod on Nexus Mods or just PM it to you? I can't imagine many people have much of a use for this mod.
  10. Hey Undivide, Thanks for your interest, I'm pretty sure that the spouse has to be in bed for it to work. So the trouble is that the perk is contingent on the NPC's coded routine which is variable, depending on how the NPC is scripted. E.g. Lydia seems to go to bed at 1:00am, most normal NPCs go to bed at like 9:00pm etc. So in the vanilla game you need two things to get the perk, first you need to know the spouse's sleep routine, and said spouse needs to be home. One does not get the perk if one's spouse is following your character, and in the same room. So if you are out doing a quest and decide to sleep at an inn, you can't get the perk because your spouse is a follower, and if you dismiss them they just head back home. This was of course changed in Fallout 4, where your character could sleep anywhere with their SO as a follower, and get the perk. I have the code that controls when the perk is applied in front of me, and there's nothing there that requires spouses to be in bed for the perk to be applied. But I see what you mean about the inn. I should be able to do the request, but it'll be a separate perk/setup for the sake of not editing base script files.
  11. Hold on a second. I'm looking at the way the game handles the lover's comfort perk/script and it seems to already function like you want. See the following code: If RelationshipMarriageFIN.IsRunning() == True && RelationshipMarriageFIN.GetStage() >= 10 && Game.GetPlayer().GetCurrentLocation() == LoveInterest.GetActorRef().GetCurrentLocation() That set of conditions runs when the player wakes up. If the player's spouse in the same room, they get the perk. Perhaps I have misunderstood your request.
  12. Papyrus didn't change drastically between Skyrim and FO4, so I'm pretty sure it's possible. I'm actually in the CK right now. Seems simple enough. I can try to make it tonight.
  13. No problem. Sometimes it's the smallest things that cause the biggest issues.
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