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  1. Hi everybody . . . I'm thinking about moving from Skyrim to SkyrimSE, but I'm not comfortable with Steam and I wasn't impressed with how Bethesda just dumped the game on the players. Maybe you guys can help me get a better idea about what I'm getting into if I make this move. [1] I went to download SE from Steam. The download time was 30-odd hours. I was not expecting that. Did everybody have to wait that long? (My Verizon DSL is forever on training wheels, so maybe the problem is on my end and not with Steam.) Can I just buy a copy fo SkyrimSE from a game shop? [2] My mods for Skyrim are a big deal for me. How hard is it to port mods from Skyrim to SkyrimSE? I just saw a post about a 10th Anniversary Edition of Skyrim in the works. I'm wondering if I should just wait for that. Thank you very much. :huh:
  2. @ saurusmaximus: About the Console numbers, . . . yes, you gave me the faction numbers needed to try fixing my Vampire Lord problems. Then I got interested in the other factions and wondered where you'd found the numbers for those other factions. But no worries; I kept clicking and finally found them. I'm usually not much good at finding these things. :confused: Really appreciate your taking the time to post. Have saved the link you gave me, too.
  3. HI. The wooden buckets cast shadows that have holes in them. They look like the shadows you'd expect from doughnuts. The Dwemer metal bowls do this, too. I've tried 4 different ways of fixing this--double-sided textures, filling the buckets, Assume Shadowmask, etc., but no joy. I'd really like to understand this problem, even if it it can't be fixed. Any help, suggestions, links, or anything else would be very much appreciated. Tx.
  4. @ saurusmaximus: Thanks for the link. It was fun just seeing some of the factions. But what about the numbers needed for the Console? (I should go find this myself, but lately I've been getting sort of burnt out looking things up. <lol> ) Tx for your help. @ lelouch107: I actually wound up doing something like that. I had a Save from right before I entered Volkihar the 1st time, so I went back to that. Everything was fine for a day, but when I returned to the castle last night, I was everybody's enemy again. I've been working on a big mod fixing-up the castle, so this snag with the game is a pain in the neck. But, whatever . . . o_O Tx for taking the time to post, OK?
  5. @ saurusmaximus: Your guess about the load order index number was right, and the game was happy to let me make the 2 faction changes you suggested. But no joy. Seems like this should work, so I went looking for faction numbers. Using the Console's Help command, I got a handful of faction numbers, but nowhere near all of the factions I think I've seen in the game. I didn't find the 2 numbers you suggested; if you're around, could you tell me where to go looking? Tx :confused:
  6. I'm playing as a Vampire Lord. I've defeated Harkon and am living in Volkuhar. Now, maybe a week later in game time, I woke up and found that all of the other resident vampires had turned hostile. I figure this has to be a bug. I tried Evilslay3r5's suggestion with the Console commands, but the command was only effective for a few seconds. Bummer. Any suggestions??
  7. I'm playing as the Vampire Lord. I defeated Harkon awhile back and am now living in the castle doing some of the small jobs. When I opened the game today, my character was in the Lord's rooms. When I walked out into the castle hall, all of the Volkuhar resident vampires attacked me. I'm not able to open a dialog with Serana; she's the single vampire not fighting me. I have no idea what's going on. I think this must be a glitch of some kind. I'm playing with only Skyrim and the Dawnguard extension, so I'm only using the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. (I don't load Dragonborn and Hearthfires because my computer has a hard time running them all at the same time, so I don't use the universal Unofficial Skyrim Patch.) Any help would be great. Thanks for reading! UPDATE: While looking at some of the other postings, I found one about making a NPC friendly. The suggestion that worked for the OP was that he or she open the Console, click on the attacking NPC, and type: stopcombat // setrelationshiprank player 3 // disable // enable. I tried that, and it worked for about 2 seconds, then the NPC vampire was again after me. Bummer.
  8. Hi, and thanks for having a look. I've been playing Skyrim for several years now, and I've never had the problem I'm having now. The LOD files for the Skyrim buildings (farmhouses, imperial dungeons, the cities, etc.) aren't working right. The LOD building files show up after about 15 minutes of gameplay--the LOD files and the regular files are z-fighting. Total downer. I had my game files checked by Steam. No improvement. I play plain ol' vanilla Skyrim most of the time, and the only mods I use are things like player homes and armor re-textures. Nothing fancy at all. Any suggestions about how I can get rid of the LOD files? (I'd be willing to give up the LOD files completely if no fix is available.) Is there something I can change in one of the .ini files the "turn off" the game's use of the LOD files?? Really bummed. Thinking I may have to find a new game. Thanks for reading . . . :confused:
  9. Yes, yes, yes! A mod like this would become one of my regulars--mods that I always use, regardless of the character I'm playing. Hope one of the animal modders (and there are some *really* good ones out there) will consider doing this request. Thanks. :)
  10. Hi. :) I've placed a number of Collision Cubes in a new player home. They work great in that the characters can't walk through them or anything like that. But the Collision Cubes don't block the 3rd-person player camera--not at all. I've tried editing the Collision Cubes by opening the Primitives Tab and selecting different options in the collision box (pull-down menu). I've tried all of the settings that looked like they might work. But there are still maybe 20 untried settings in that menu, so I thought I'd ask for help. I'm not sure I'm on the right path here, but with a boatload of variations possible for Collision Cubes, it seems like one of them would surely block the player cam. In the past, I've cobbled together home-made collision cubes by finding statics in the shapes needed and then mapping them with transparent texture. That works fine, but I'd like to learn the right way of doing this stuff. Can anybody clue me in? :smile: Full Disclosure: I posted this question in a different Nexus Forum about a week ago. A good guy clued me in that I was probably posting in the wrong Forum. Hope nobody loses any time (goodwill?) reading this post twice. Tx.
  11. I've placed a number of Collision Cubes in a new player home. They work great in that the characters can't walk through them or anything like that. But the Collision Cubes don't block the player camera. I've tried editing the Collision Cubes by opening the Primitives Tab and selecting different options in the collision box (pull-down menu). I've tried all of the settings that looked like they might work. But there are still maybe 20 untried settings in that menu, so I thought I'd ask for help. In the past, I've cobbled home-made collision cubes by finding statics in the shapes needed and then mapping them with transparent texture. That works fine, but I'd like to learn the right way of doing this stuff. Can anybody clue me in? :) (And thanks for having a look.)
  12. Well hell's bells, . . . can't find the darn Double Endorse button for The Care Taker. Wish the Nexus crew would take a break from playing long enough to get organized. (The rest of us are on a schedule!) :wink:
  13. I'm back, and the news is really good. I got lucky and figured out how to turn off the sound on my 1st go-round. Can't remember the last time that happened. :) With the sound off, I was able to use the CK for almost 2 hours. It never crashed. I quit when I did because I was ready for a break. So thank you very much, agerweb. Can't begin to tell you how pleased I am and how much aggravation and discouragement this is going to save me in the weeks ahead. :) ruv _______________________________________________________________________________________ DETAILS of the FIX 1. I think there are 5 .ini files for Skyrim. The one needed here is the SkyrimEditor.ini. 2. SkyrimEditor.ini is found here: C:\program files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Skyrim 3. The line you want is this one: bEnableAudio=1 4. Change the 1 to a 0 (zero), and the sound is off. And, hopefully, CK will work better for you. 5. I use the CK a lot, so I wanted a shortcut to the SkyrimEditor.ini file. I made a shortcut the usual way, but when I tried to pin it to my Taskbar, Windows wouldn't let me. But I was able to pin the shortcut to Notepad (which I already had pinned to my Taskbar). The new shortcut doesn't show as a separate icon on the Taskbar; instead, I R-click on the Notepad icon, open the Notepad menu, and there's the new icon. (I'd still like an icon on my Taskbar for the SkyrimEditor.ini shortcut, but I have no idea how to make it.) _______________________________________________________________________________________
  14. Sorry I didn't get back here sooner, but I appreciate you guys taking the time to leave me notes. I have to admit, though, that I'm at a loss for words over all the reports of crash-happy CK. I'd have guessed that 80+% of all users who encountered the constant crashes would have given CK the toss after a week. (I thought that my continuing use of the CK even with the constant restarts was an indicator that I might be turning into one of those brainless swamp creatures.) Before I started using this laptop, I played and modded on a good machine that my brother made for me. (From leftovers he had cluttering up his apartment! :) ) That machine ran on windows7. The laptop uses 10. So maybe that's a big part of it. I'm going to try switching the sound off in the .ini file. If that works, great; if not, no big deal. I'm not sure what it means to "switch the sound off in the ini file." I'm guessing that I'm supposed to be looking for a 0-or-1 setting for sound for the game. And that this would be something I'd need to do each time I used the CK. (Sure is an odd-sounding pach!) I'll post back here after I try this. Thank you guys, again, for your help here. Back soon.
  15. . . . but I'm a little fried right now. I'm using a borrowed laptop right now. It's almost new, i7, plenty of ram. It will play Skyrim OK if I go light on the mods. But Creation Kit shuts down every 15 minutes. I can use CK this way, but I'm really not loving it. Is there anything really basic that I might be missing here? Or anything that might work as a patch 'til I get my new machine? (I'd be 100%-happy with a link; I have a hard time figuring out the darn search terms sometimes.) Thank you for reading. And thank your for any suggestions. And no worries about roasting me or the question. :)
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