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Everything posted by dancoxdrums

  1. There are buffs for hip fire under strength. Also, I remember reading somewhere that shotguns are included in rifle perks. I think shotguns are technically rifles?
  2. For the purposes of this thread I'd define 'perfect' as what you wanted the game to be on release. Personally, with regard to Fallout 4, I'm looking for graphical upgrades, immersion mods, difficulty/hardcore features and maybe some reworking in the perks department.
  3. Of course people are still creating mods for Skyrim now and probably will be for some time, but how long was it, for you, until you had the range of mods you wanted for your 'perfect playthrough'?
  4. I'm playing no-VATS. The gunplay seems fine- we're never going to get Battlefield mechanics in a game of this scope. I don't see the existence of VATS-specific perks as a problem- I just intend to leave them.
  5. sry i dont release anything more here - say thx to nexus community What happened?
  6. In Skyrim you had to edit the line "bShowQuestMarkers". The same line is found in the Fallout4Prefs.ini, yet changing it to "bShowQuestMarkers=0" does not remove the POI icons on the compass for me. So I've simply removed the compass for the time being ("bShowCompass=0"). Yeah, already tried that and was disappointed to see the quest markers go while the POI's remained. Removing compass will have to do for now.
  7. I'd like to explore without being told where to experience game content by the compass. Locations which you learn of through conversation/terminals could still appear if possible.
  8. Geralt is able to continue to slice into enemies after their HP hits 0 with a chance to dismember (currently the sword noclips right through enemies when dead).
  9. Not suggesting extra tabs, just an option to mark (as seen in Borderlands 2).
  10. Wow, I can't believe this is how it is- CDPR did such a great job with realism in general. Wonder if this will be patched in anyway. EDIT: Just tested this in-game, not the case for me! Fought a bunch of wraiths with silver sword, steel sword still at 100%.
  11. Topic! Would really help immersion. Let's make sure the hold is a good length of time though so as to avoid accidental loading.
  12. This would be a great mod. I've had a few sticky situations due to autosheathe or, worse still, Geralt not entering combat at all. Problematic on higher difficulties. Could I ask that controllers be supported? Perhaps pressing one/both analog stick/s or pressing X&A together would work.
  13. I've been enjoying nearly 100 mods for about 20 hours of play now and would get the ocassional CTD but now suddenly it's happening every 2 minutes. There seems to be absolutely no common denominator in what is causing the crashes so it's very hard to try and pinpoint a problematic mod or conflicting mods. My question is, does the mod/s causing the problem need to be 'in use' at the time? ie. if I'm crashing in combat is it likely to be a combat mod? Or could it just as easily be Deus Mons which I installed yesterday, even though I'm nowhere near it on the map? I'm using Mod Organizer and BOSS. Can post my mod list if it would help you to help me?! I'm expecting a few users to tell me I need Wrye Bash but there's no documentation on how to move from MO to WB. Tips appreciated! Thanks in advance
  14. Another cry for help here... I've got bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 on every .ini possible but these damn visuals are still shining at me through buildings. I know I could turn them off altogether but that seems a waste of a beautiful feature. Anyone got any tips here? I've got my NVidia Inspector settings exactly as laid out by the ENB creator (I'm using the K ENB, which is gorgeous btw).
  15. EDIT: NOT SOLVED!!! I thought the edit below detailed a solution but I once again got the red message o'death when I loaded up! Anyone got a clue? ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLVED: I had to edit the 'veryhigh.ini, high.ini' files in the game folder. Zero the AA settings at the top and you're good. ------------------------------------------------------------ Hi guys, Plea for help here, this error message is driving me crazy. I have disabled all AA in Skyrim launcher, NVIDIA control panel and NVIDIA inspector. I have looked all the way through skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini for anything related to AA and turned it off. I have deleted the duplicate .ini in the Skyrim game folder as I heard that can cause issues. I've used both SkyRealism and K ENB with injector version 0149. I've also set SKSE v1.6.6 as a proxy in the enbseries.ini. What am I missing?! Thanks, Dan
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