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Everything posted by Boaresa

  1. Thats a relativistic statement about what you understand as a modern society. Oh i knew these claims would come up. The Majority of the war related work was still done by men. To important for service, working in strategic industries, to old, to weak or wounded. They were still the majority carrieng the burden. But lets think of a Call of Duty - Warfare related work just for the Fun of it were you sit in a ammunition factory and have to press primers into bullets for 2 1/2 hours before running around the streets spreading white feathers and hold the X-Button to call a 16 year old coward because he didn't enlist. http://static4.businessinsider.com/image/4f6e2426eab8ea193900002a-300/military-std.jpg I'am sorry that you think all women are loving and careing as your mother and those who scratch on that cute little illusion have to be silenced.
  2. Are you realy threating me because you don't like the points i make and not violating the rules? Now i get threatend for making legitimate points faceing upcoming affirmativ action for videogame characters. They don't make games where female characters experience inter-personal, because guys wouldn't buy them. Why should i buy such a game? Shoot em up elemants ain't enough to convince me. And why should women buy them? Women ain't a big buyer group compared to men when it comes to videogames, even if 70% of the worlds money spend for consume is spend by women. Maybee the industry can lure them with some romeo and julia move style make of. @TRoaches. You gave me two examples of women doing math and two links summon me to google things. Big thing in worlds history. No, they never won wars. They had the role to protect tempels and so when the man were gone, but they never won wars, because no war ever was primarily fought by women. Normaly they stay at home and nag about the rationing of choclate and when nylon socks will be available again or lowering the defense preparedness of the NAVY through STDs.
  3. So what people already made for free isn't good enough for you? What about an offer to those who can make what your Highness demands?
  4. Promising? They got a lawsuit and there isn't anything promising anymore about this mod. And after all, how can you be so arrogant demanidng theses huge projects with this "the title says it all". No modder reads this anymore because of this. You could at least offering something in return, money for example.
  5. Seriosly, 99.9% of these things are for people playing around with a virtual barbie doll. Hairspray hairstyles, bikini armors and so on. You wanna know why there ain't much female protagonists? Because its unreliable. In most of the games the protagonists is in the typical role of a warrior, woman ain't unreliable in such a role. But anyway goes it more and more this way. In Skyrim, for both DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn the person who is necessary for your ongoing and helping you is a chick. First the Vampire chick, than that ultra masculine valkyre from the skaal village. And who of you had seen the new Tomb Raider game? I mean, come on! I this game the men are cowardly, traitors, evil, cruel or the calm big brother type or daddy figure, but helpless without warrior princes Lara to aid them. Imagine Max Payne would be a woman. Its all unreliable because women, no matter what time, didn't do great things at all. Never. They never invented things, they never won wars, they never rescued people, they didn't prevent catastrophes, nothing of this at all. Even their sports deal with lesser requirements than the real sports. So what would make a woman a better protagonist than a man?
  6. So whats up with that nearly a year ago since the last reply. Dead as a ham? I would like to see some european hogs in Skyrim, the Bristlebacks of Solstheim look like warthogs.
  7. Has nothing to do with the language, its the dead body just dumbing it into the landscape. Because its easier and safer like a house cat compared to an sabre tooth tiger. And whats cooler? I have some progress myself and will do it the warzone way. (Probably not compareable to warzones) http://i.imagebanana.com/img/ehhyki3m/thumb/bruma.png
  8. Okay, i get that frustration because i know it just to well myself. But just to remind you that these are mindgames. Besides that, how else would you add rare things as "Knights" other than this way? Ofcourse just simply forging yourself, killing a guard and risking bounty status, what would be even more work, or using console command but i bet you that there will be at least 50 people showing up "where can i find an knight armor" and so on. So it would be the best solution which comes to mind or have you a better idea? A few posts ago you said you would add a whole castle for the fighters guild faction. But when you are done i voluntere to add some "warzones" or more likely some battlegrounds. I planned such a thing anyway, so give me a hint when you agree. By the way i would look at some of mr_siika's resources he made for Oblivion. Looks very medieval that stuff. Its resources so i would guess that counds for skyrim to. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/38734/?tab=3&navtag=/ajax/modimages/?user=0&id=38734 http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/14830/?tab=3&navtag=/ajax/modimages/?user=0&id=14830 But i'am sure you know that stuff anyway.
  9. Looks like we have an expert here. No it wouldn't. Warzones ain't random events but ,Warzones'! Also the whole thing could be easily combined wiith warzones anyway, just add a few random knights spots to the warzone or the spawn marker lists. Anyway it isn't hard to create a few spawning points and set them in the landscape to reload every three days or so.
  10. Why not just add a few random event markers with battles between a few soldiers and knights. This way they stay rare but you also see them in action and find a opportunity to loot their stuff from their dead lifeless bodies.
  11. Thats not possible with my know-how... u have to create lots of new npcs and navmeshes for that. but its easy to create 3-5 followers with that armor :smile: btw nice texture :wink: You need 5 NPCs with LvL random items and a few LvL Spawnpoints in this area.
  12. So then are you interested in this kind of extension or do you plan to limit it to the skyrim fractions?
  13. Is still don't know what you wanna tell me but these transparent spots are there because i painted these parts of the DDS texture black on the alpha layout, not because anything is wrong unwrapped. These textures are overdone two times. Besides this, there never was and never will be any whingeing about that.
  14. Have you tried to save the textures as DXT-1 instead of 5 or just fill the alpha map black?
  15. @TheMedievalsKnights What do you mean "front face" and "back face"? It looks this way because of the alpha map blackouts. I combined the Witcher-2 "Soldier" Medium with the Heavy armor so that i have this jacket(?) and the longer skirt in once. The padded texture is just the same as from Oblivion, its just a place holder untill i found something better or worked out a new one. Normaly these transparent holes shouldn't happen and this for example works: http://i.imagebanana.com/img/26gu3f7v/thumb/bruma.png Rather i would wait untill this luddemann would release the stuff he created but it looks like that doesn't happen any time soon and is possibly already dead. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/881853-luddemann-blenderblog/page-5 Edit: God i hate this editor. Messe up every code.
  16. Hey guys i worked on something similar but that didn't worked out, so i have textures left you could be maybe interested about. http://i.imagebanana.com/img/fwdgxjia/thumb/bruma.png I wanted to set some Bruma Imperials in the south of skyrim and fighting random battles with stomcloaks similiar to Warzone. But just with alpha maps blacking out that didn't worked so well as i planed. Or maybee i could help you with stuff and you help me a bit?
  17. No they are not, but when i would mention that the abuse of minor boys and girls by women are treaten very differently compared when men to these things. Most people don't get what the southpark episode was telling. Take the Debra Lafave case for example, she didn't even go to jail because her lawyer said "she was to good for jail" ans so. And the court ruled that she didn't had to go to jail. If a man teacher would have sex with a student, even on total voluntary base, they would have send him to prison where he get raped, aids infected and had to join the aryan brotherhood, i bet you. But nooohoo, when a woman does it, she is to god for jail. Female teachers had sex with female students and they called it lesbian lessons. When they f*#@ their students its always called affairs. Hell, some of them even kidnapped these boys. See this is my honest standpoint to this whole topic and i tell you it will draw more attention of "how can you say that" then the post you quoted.
  18. you know, just forgett it. By the way is there something different with these imported witcher2 meshes? Beacuse the alpha map blacking out just doesn't work on them.
  19. Look around how many mods are complet useless BS or just add bouncing body parts for the sake of the gamer playing with one hand. Also, before you ask such a question ask yourself why you spending time to make animals in an PC Game poop.
  20. .... so you are pretty? Well you are dead wrong and thats the whole point, it changed totaly. Okay just for someone who knows what hes talking : Whats the ,parent node' when it comes to skyrim meshes?
  21. Don't talk Bollocks, most of them on Nexus are created in nifskop just put together. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19733/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D19733 This one for example. You wouldn't need 3d for any of them.
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