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  1. The Elder Scrolls Fandom wiki says the following about that soul gem, "However, the presence of the Colossal Black Soul Gem in the Hero's possession negates this effect." Their page on Mannimarco says pretty much the same. However, my investigation above indicates that this is completely wrong. I did see that others seem to have realised the same thing I did. Under the Bugs section for the UESP page, it says: "The Colossal Black Soul Gem given to you by Traven sometimes will not disappear or let you drop it after the quest is completed. Technically you don't need the gem. You can just leave it on Traven's corpse, ..." This could be an interesting idea for a mod. Add some sort of consequence for not taking the gem. As for the guild questlines, I think the biggest problem is that being at the head of an organisation inherently conflicts with the theme of the PC being a lone adventurer with flexible goals, common to TES games. Thus, the guild questlines are basically forced to end in ways that don't trample on this theme. As a result, the FG and MG end with you head of an organisation and then you immediately delegate all of your responsibilities to your second-in-command. Same thing with the DB, though arguably the organisation's structure justifies the Listener's lack of responsibilities. I feel that that TG has the best ending and aftermath of the 4 in this regard. I wouldn't regard it's ending as an anti-climax, being the Grey Fox is a leadership role that I think most closely matches the game's theme and the organisation itself isn't really an organisation that the lack of responsibilities is noticeable. Can't remark on the script for any of the DLC as I have yet to play any of them.
  2. I've been wondering for a while what exactly this gem does and I haven't been able to find any definitive answers. For context, during the final quest for the Mages Guild, Hannibal Traven kills himself and fills this gem with his soul in the process. He says that, "With this gem in your possession, you will be impervious to his attempts to enthrall you." Of course, it is entirely possible to head off to Echo Cave and confront Mannimarco without taking that gem. Presumably, something bad happens if you don't. However, I can't find any evidence that this soul gem has any effect whatsoever on the quest. I opened the Construction Set and looked around. The soul gem itself (MG17MiscBlackSoulGemFilled) is just a miscellaneous item without any script attached. So it would only have an effect if something in the game checks if the player has it during the confrontation. I then opened the "Use Info" report for MG17MiscBlackSoulGemFilled and it reported that it is only used by two other references in the game: The TestQAClutter container: A copy of this soul gem is inside this chest. The chest is only found in one of the testing cells and so is irrelevant.The HannibalTravenScript: This script is attached to Hannibal Traven. The only thing related to this soul gem the script does is add a copy of it to Traven's inventory just before he kills himself.Finally, I tried looking at Mannimarco himself to see if there is something there that would be affected by the gem. I found that when you approach him, he is scripted to cast the spell MG18MannimarcoImmobilize at you. If it hits, the spell disables the player's controls and Mannimarco starts talking to you. Once he is done talking, he then casts his Enthrall spell (MG18MannimarcoEnthrall) at you. The thing is that all the Enthrall spell does is re-enable the player's controls and triggers Mannimarco to fight you. There is absolutely nothing in that spell's script which takes the soul gem into account. I don't see anything on the Staff of Worms which would be affected by that gem if Mannimarco happens to try use it during the fight. None of the other spells he has are affected either; they are just ordinary spells that other NPCs can also have. So as far as I'm concerned, there is no point whatsoever in grabbing that soul gem before you leave as it has no effect on the game at all. If anyone else has any insight or knows anything that I missed, please do say something. On a side note, I also found and was amused by the fact that the Immobilize and Enthrall spells are both marked as hostile and don't have the "Disallow Spell Absorb/Reflect" checkbox ticked. This means that any amount of Spell Absorption, Reflect Spell or Resistance to Magicka has a chance of making those spells not work. The latest Unofficial Oblivion Patch also doesn't fix these oversights.
  3. I can't check this until I'm back in front of my PC this evening but I'm sceptical that this would help. The data I'm looking for above (models and textures used by a race's body and face) is stored on the Race records, not NPC and I don't think an NPC's FaceGen data contains this info. I also can't find any OBSE functions that can fetch an NPC's FaceGen data either. But thanks anyway.
  4. Does anyone know if there is a way for a script to read any of the data in the two pictures below (it's a race's body textures and face models and textures). What I am trying to do is get the contents of these entries into string variables that I can then feed into Blockhead to override an NPC's body and head data. However, I looked around and haven't been able to find any functions that do this, even in OBSE and Blockhead. The closest I found was the GetModelPath and GetTexturePath functions, which look like they were designed for more simple records that have only one model and texture.
  5. You should have read through the thread before commenting. Tannin and Dark0ne have already stated that they have no plans to port Vortex to Linux: Vortex is open-source so by all means, get out your programming tools and make it happen.
  6. Funny story, LogicDragon replied to my PM earlier today and managed to solve the problem. Basically, EC's source code is incompatible with OBSE v21's source code. To compile the former, I had to use the source for v20 instead.
  7. I recently made a small change to the source code for Enhanced Camera and I'm now trying to compile it. Unfortunately, I am having some trouble doing so that I can't figure out. I would greatly appreciate it if someone can help. What I did was that I downloaded the EC source and extracted it into a folder in the same place as the OBSE v21 source (I ended up with a folder that contained the "common", "obse" and "obse_plugin_example" folders from the OBSE src folder and a folder named "ec" that contained the source code for Enhanced Camera). I then opened Visual C++ 2008 Express and loaded the EC project into it by opening "OBSE_EnhancedCamera.sln". I then attempted to build EC but the compiler spat out a long list of errors (around 950) in the OBSE source (most in the Utilities header file). I have included that build log in this pastebin. I also tried the same with the 2010 Visual C++ Express version but it gave the same errors. I did try asking LogicDragon for help a week ago but he hasn't read my PM yet. I think he must be busy with other things (which is understandable). Can anyone help me figure this out? I think my main question is why Visual Studio has a problem with OBSE's source code? Also, I'm sorry if these question seem basic: I have very little experience with C++ programming.
  8. Thanks! At the risk of stating the obvious, I think the best place to start would be implementing tables on this forum first. They don't work here either, as you can see from my post above where the tags don't do anything. For the forums, does it's software not have any table handling implemented? Is this functionality disabled but present? Or does one have to get an addon or something to make it work?
  9. Is there really no interest in this? Edit: [table] [tr] [th]Testing[/th] [th]123[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Testing 2[/td] [td]456[/td] [/tr] [/table]
  10. Sorry for the late reply but thanks. I did some more research and you seem to be correct. I could not find functions for even half of the things I would need to do using Morrowind Script, even with MWSE functions added in. I briefly looked through MWSE-Lua and it seems to have at least most of the functions and events I need. The problem is that I have no experience with Lua. As for OpenMW, since it only supports Vanilla Morrowind scripting right now, it seems compatibility won't be possible. I heard they want to add Lua scripting to the engine though. I guess I will just have to shelve compatibility until then.
  11. The various "EquipItem" commands have a second parameter which blocks unequipping that item if that parameter is 1. I want to know how I can figure out if an item the player is wearing has had that block applied. The only thing I've found so far is this note on the CS Wiki's pages for the various EquipItem commands: This is the script I currently have to try detect this (lines 22 - 31 are the ones where I'm trying to test): ScriptName XjPostLoadGameEventFunctionScript Short bUnusedGameLoadedSuccessfully ; We already filtered our event to only run on successful loads Array_Var arrEquippedItemArray Long lCurrentEquippedItemSlotMask Ref rCurrentRefreshTarget Ref rZero Short bNoUnequipItemFlagSet Begin _Function{bUnusedGameLoadedSuccessfully} ; Compiler override needs to be enabled. "0" in rZero is treated as literal filter otherwise instead of ignored. Let rZero := 0 ; Need to assign 0 to ref variable. Script doesn't compile otherwise: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1031654-blockhead/page-103#entry73732678 ' RegisterEquipmentOverrideHandler XjEquipmentManagementScript rZero rZero CustomRace rZero ; Add code to re-equip everything the player is wearing PlayerRef.AddItemNS XjTestNoUnequipFlagItem 1 ForEach arrEquippedItemArray <- PlayerRef.GetEquippedItems Let rCurrentRefreshTarget := arrEquippedItemArray->value Let lCurrentEquippedItemSlotMask := GetBipedSlotMask rCurrentRefreshTarget SetBipedSlotMask lCurrentEquippedItemSlotMask XjTestNoUnequipFlagItem PlayerRef.EquipItem XjTestNoUnequipFlagItem If PlayerRef.GetEquipmentSlotMask lCurrentEquippedItemSlotMask == rCurrentRefreshTarget Let bNoUnequipItemFlagSet := 1 PlayerRef.UnequipItemSilent rCurrentRefreshTarget Else Let bNoUnequipItemFlagSet := 0 PlayerRef.UnequipItemSilent XjTestNoUnequipFlagItem EndIf If XjInitQuest.bDontRunEquipItemBlock == 0 PlayerRef.EquipItem2NS rCurrentRefreshTarget bNoUnequipItemFlagSet Else PlayerRef.EquipItemSilent rCurrentRefreshTarget bNoUnequipItemFlagSet EndIf Loop Let arrEquippedItemArray := ar_Null PlayerRef.RemoveItemNS XjTestNoUnequipFlagItem 1 End This script doesn't work, however. When I load my test save, all the items I have equipped had the "no unequip" flag enabled. This means that bNoUnequipItemFlagSet was set to 1, which means that rCurrentRefreshTarget was still equipped after I equipped XjTestNoUnequipFlagItem. And no, the test save character was not wearing anything that was force equipped.
  12. I just want to quote the officially recommended way of getting MO2 to load OBSE from here: https://github.com/ModOrganizer2/modorganizer/wiki/Running-Oblivion-OBSE-with-MO2 The problem with setting the load mechanism to "Script Extender" is that you won't be able to use MO to manage script extender plugins and will have to do so manually.
  13. I just want to throw in a suggestion that Nexus Mods implements tables in BBCode. From what I've read, the tags do exist: https://www.bbcode.org/examples/?id=14 How feasible would it be to add these tags to NM and is there interest in doing so? I can think of a few ways I can improve some of my mods' descriptions if I could add tables.
  14. Tannin and Dark0ne have already stated that they have no plans to port Vortex to Linux. You should have read through the thread. Vortex is open-source so by all means, get out your programming tools and make it happen.
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