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About Hotemochick1992

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  1. Sounds like a pretty Solid Idea and I'm more than willing to help with any Voicework.
  2. So I'll give you the rundown. I am looking to create a game in which you can do whatever you want to do. We are still bouncing ideas around for setting and story, but we seem to be leaning toward medieval fantasy or a Online game about today, and the choices you make can really change the "ending" of the game. For example, what if a player became president of the United States and instead of focusing on politics and religion focused on clean energy and research projects for space travel? Yet on the other hand another player starts some huge war or something. Then all the other players playing can choose to follow or not to follow, they might not even care. The same goes for the medieval game. I would really want to capture the open world design. This is kind of an untapped market. Hopefully we can attend to it. But from the looks of it I am really leaning on the Medieval side. We will be calling it Nature of Humanity. I'm thinking about a Alpha version of the game middle to late winter hopefully this year or 2018. More then likely I think the RPG route will be best for this. All that being said I'd like to put together a team of creators to help accomplish this. What I'm looking for are: Modelers Animators Music/Sound Voice acting Engine (Unity/Unreal/Custom?) World space artists (Interiors and exteriors) UI Designers Texture artists Web page Advertising/Social Media Concept Artists Something I really want to stress here is that we only use assets we have made. I know here on the nexus we are pretty good about asset use and permissions but for this project it must be built from scratch, no asking for permissions to use others assets. That being said, we should try our best to make the game feel as real as possible. Graphics are a big one for many players as well as a stable 60 FPS. This is something I would like for us to eventually release on multiple platforms for a large audience to enjoy. If you feel you are up to the task you can email me at [email protected] with a portfolio or work collection. Keep in mind this is a project with no monetary gain. Thank you for reading the long post. -Emma [email protected]
  3. I have hit a bit of a road block on the gun... I'm not sure how the weapon cycles so I don't know how to added any detail that needs to be there.
  4. Well here is what I have so far, only been like 20 or 30 mins so I should have this done within the day. Edit: Added a crude texture to barrel, added detail, some rescaling.
  5. I have started working on a gaus rifle, but I'm not happy with how its turning out... I will work on the AR in the meantime.
  6. Could anyone get this into Fallout? I have all the textures and everything.
  7. Bump? Do not bump threads, the rules are clear on this. -Jim_UK
  8. I can model, been going to school as a Game Designer so, yeah hit me up. :smile:
  9. Well, idk if this is true for blender... In Maya, when I use an alpha channel, I then use a paint brush in the maya and go over things with black paint. This is a common technique for doing shadowing on static objects with BMP textures. Try looking up how to do those shadows on google/youtube. I think it would be the best way to get the type of texturing you're looking for.
  10. The best way to go about this would be using alpha channels and such on your textures, Changing texture opacity and color then binding those new textures to the models you want to use them on and figure a way to activate those textures in the game via some type of command.
  11. Okay so this is long over due, I have the models Textured. So next step would be getting it from maya to Blender so an animator can work with it then get it into Fallout... So who's game?
  12. I'd like to do more of these style of weapons, I may just have to try and texture them myself.
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