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Harabec Weathers

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Status Updates posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. Merry christmas to you too minx! Have a good one! :D
  2. Yea I know I wasnt the only that it happened to before. Sometimes I guess an infected ad gets displayed on the page and attacks youre computer from the ad itself. Its happened to me 3 times but I keep coming back to the Nexus haha.
  3. Haha well hugs and kiss back minx! Many hugs and kisses for you :D
  4. Thank you dezi :) all the support Im getting from everyone has been driving me to push myself harder and harder. Im actually looking forward to boot camp haha.
  5. Getting closer and closer to my shipout date :D
  6. Haha aye minx come and get some hahaha :D

    I think its time I put a newer photo up of me lol. All this working out I do has great physical benefits haha

  7. Thanks. Im just counting down the days until I leave haha :)
  8. Lol army? Nope, Marines haha. Theres a difference my friend. But In January ill leave for boot camp, from there all be gone for 13 weeks. After that, my contract is 4 yrs active and 4 yrs reserve. But ill probably stay active all 8 yrs.
  9. Good to have ya back :)
  10. Sweet! Mmmmm waters nice and warm haha ;)
  11. Hell yea :) sounds good to me haha. Mmmmmmmm waters nice and warm ;)
  12. Haha omg your sig is awesome haha.
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