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Status Updates posted by Zephyr102

  1. Haven't been too involved with modding lately, so if you'd like to use something I've made in your own creation, feel free to do so, as long as you give credit where it's due.
  2. In case ya haven't seen my recent pics, I'm kinda back in the Nexus. Finally got Skyrim after Christmas, so back to my ol' moddin' and screenshootin'.
  3. W3WT@Windows 7- Fallout 3 runs again! Time to get moddin'!
  4. Yay for infinite mod-ability! I'm breaking open the CS again, and I need some help- http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/483089-creating-a-new-voice-set/
  5. Somebody help me out here- I need two more gigs of RAM, Windows 7, and a copy of Skyrim... XD Til then, I'm working on a new samurai character; will have pics soon!
  6. Huh, I chose an odd day to poke my head in on the ol' Nexus. Happy B-day!
  7. I'm back! Kinda. New music and updated game list on About Me page. Oh, and uh... HELP! http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/406377-gpu-usage-dropping/
    1. BlueDanube


      sorry ... this is not my kind of expertie .....>,<
  8. Holy poo, yer back! Good to see ya back in the game!
  9. Lawl @ my dimwitted old beast- it whines about hard-drive inconsistencies, but won't let me defrag... please help >.< http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/337370-let-me-defrag/
    1. Eiries


      CCleaner. My computer's never let me use the default defragger. Dunno why. But CCleaner does it great.
    2. AliasTheory


      I use CCleaner and Defraggler.
  10. So one ad on the Nexus was worth taking a look at- World of Tanks is a blast, quite literally. Kinda reminds me of MechWarrior, just with WW2 hardware and European- or North African-themed maps. Best free entertainment I've had in a while!
  11. Weird... my old defunct SWG account seems to have been hacked. The debit card I started that account with isn't even valid anymore. Which makes me wonder why this n00b didn't just make his own damn account- none of my characters are/were worth stealing. >.<
  12. Lovin' the snazzy things you've done to my HUD lately. And I've BEEN lovin' the recon gear forever. Keep up the good work!
  13. Pissed off at Mystery of Mausoleum - the 'labyrinth' has me going around in circles fighting the same fight over and over- but I wanna swing a sword at sumtin. Gonna check out this 'Nehrim' TC, which is currentlt torrent'ing in at a blistering 800+kbps. And with Saturday ahead, I should soon be getting lost in yet another world. :D
    1. Eiries


      coc aaadongxuechukou :)
    2. Zephyr102


      That helps, since Nehrim won't seem to start a new game. Hope it didn't skip any boss fights tho. :P
    3. Eiries


      Heh nope, just puts you at the end of the maze. Just remember to grab the stuff in the little chest. Don't get eaten by rats now. ;)
  14. *in that creepy-cute Portal turret voice* I see you.
    1. BlueDanube


      that M1 look awesome zep,i'm really into heavily modified old gun too right now.
  15. Oh GOD, a Grim SHEEPER!


    (sorry, couldn't help it XD)

  16. "Madgod" doesn't seem a good thing to have on a crusader's resume, so Bri will be leaving the Shivering Isles earlier than usual this time around. Then I can finally get started on some of the newer world/quest mods I've been putting off for far too long. Adash and MoM, here I come. Yay new adventures!
    1. Eiries


      Have fun dude! If you have any troubles with MoM, don't hesitate to message me. :)
    2. Zephyr102


      Kewl, yer still alive. Good to know! =P


      There'll definitely be trouble, but hopefully only what I dish out. I always prep for the worst in mod quests- the brutality of Gates to Aesgaard taught me that. Just need to remember to apply liberal amounts of divine power when the time comes.

  17. Dunno if you'll see this, but I'll say it anyway.

    You've probably gotten this a lot, but don't let the haters/trolls/n00bs/whatever-ya-call-em get to ya. There's people like that EVERYWHERE, in ALL walks of life, on- and off-line. And the only way to defeat them is not to let them win.

    So yeah, two great sayings come to mind- Haters gonna hate, and Do...

  18. Diggin' the new avatar! Original character? Or just someone I don't recognize...
  19. Just dun do anything stupid and wind up banned... you're half the fun around here. Nothing makes for good target practice like walking balls of cotton...

    Crap, did I type that out loud?

  20. I saw you in the hall of shame. SIT! STAY! BAD SHEEP!
  21. Just pokin' about, checkin' some screenshot galleries. Hi!
  22. New fans are in, and the ol' Beast is running at a frigid 30°C. I was hard pressed to push 'er to 45° with an FO3 stress test. So yeah- I'm back!
    1. Eiries
    2. Zephyr102


      Performance confirmed, too- I just played 7 levels of Dead Space (which is drop-dead gorgeous) and she didn't rise past 50. Happy PC, happy owner!
    3. BlueDanube


      *drool in envy*
  23. CPU hit 100°C on account of a dying fan, so I'm gonna be relying on my PS2 for my fix for a couple days. Luckily, the chip is OK (the fan is still running well enough for me to run a web browser ), so all I had to order was a new fan. Also grabbed an extra case fan to help quell the beast. Will update when my temp charts smooth out!
    1. BlueDanube


      sorry to hear that,it must be tought for you...
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