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Everything posted by waltere

  1. How to add a custom item to Valheim - YouTube
  2. Hi, Just starting out here doing a mod for a unique follower. The follower has a unique body nif and a unique skeleton to change the head size. What I would like is a mod that will automatically switch the regular model armor or clothing for one that is made for the follower's body when the item is placed in inventory. Does anyone know of a mod like this? If there isn't a mod already, can someone help with a script. I was thinking a quest with a script that does something like this. 1. start when clothing or armor is added to unique follower inventory 2. check to see if armor/clothing other race is unique follower race 3. if yes, do nothing 4a. if no, add (armor/clothing append unique follower race) 4b. remove armor/clothing without unique follower race append
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