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Everything posted by SunnyDayCloud

  1. Hey guys, Forum is up, there is only one section atm, we need to discuss what all i should add in etc the link is http://bit.ly/sdbm1 sdbm as in skyrim dark brotherhood mod I reccomend RHoS that you edit the starting post of this section to help direct people to the forum and get more attention. Sunny =)
  2. Hi RHoS, i dont use FB so the idea dose not appeal to me, but we could make our own forum just for putting this mod together. i am the admin of one forum as is so i do have the skills to set it up (none being the amount required). that way we would be able to control and section out content easily and setup our own online chat rooms as well. all of this can be done for free, the only real issue is getting people from here to where ever the rest of the information is put together. i am rather confident that if we get the story together then the experienced modders will join us. the only thing i dont like about helping out with this mod is that it will ruin my experience of the mod itself since i will be familiar with the content before it exists, but hey at least it will be partially my content =) Sunny
  3. I could not agree more, which is why we need a mod. Come help support the cause here http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/486858-make-or-break-the-dark-brotherhood/ =) Sunny
  4. I have been looking around for a mod that dose just this, expand the DB quest line to what it should be like. I would be happy to write up some assassination quests for the mod but i dont have the skill to do much beyond that. There is a few threads like this but none with this much attention or detail. here is the ones i found http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/503230-dark-brotherhood-improvement/ http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/476347-mod-idea-dark-brotherhood-assassination-contracts/ this one is vaguely similar http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/503918-dark-brotherhood-population/ Regarding the creation of story for this mod, some one should manage who is doing what so that multiple people dont end up making the same sections of the story. im willing to being writing, but i need to know where. Sunny
  5. Good idea! I would really like a mod that added more quests to the dark brother hood and enabled, for example, taking over more of the old sanctuaries. Thanks, Sunny
  6. I have been looking for a mod exactly like this! How about some missions in which you have to assassinate pentius occulatus members? say sneak through one of the capital city castles without being seen (if you are seen on your way to or from the victim then quest fail) and then revers pickpocket them and give them some ring with a enchantment that slowly kills the wearer. i would really like to see this mod made, i would be happy to help out with ideas but i dont have the skill to actually build the mod Sunny
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