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Everything posted by MimiTheAlchemist

  1. Sorry guys. I haven't been able to mod due to health issues. I don't know when I'll be able to update my mods again, so bear with me. ~ MImi
  2. It looks like Asuna's hair from Sword Art Online. I think Morten Hairs has a hair like that.
  3. In that picture, I used these mods: The outfit is from Combination Vanilla Outfits. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13378 This shirt is the prisoners shirts and the pants are Karliah's pants, both from the mod. The shirt has been retextured. I got that on the nexus, too. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1770/? The hair is morten hair. I think I got from an asian site, but you can google it.
  4. I'll try it. Thanks for your help, Hallgarth and lofgren. Edit: I tried it in the magic effect script, and it would not compile. So I tried creating a quest and setting up an alias for the player and it worked. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.
  5. I think you can only use setscale on an ObjectReference. It doesn't work on Actors.
  6. I am a working on a magic effect script for a mod using setHeight, and it doesn't work. It is an ability type spell that is supposed to make my character a little taller, and when I add it to my character in game, she doesn't get taller. I try saving and reloading, but she stays the same size. I use the getscale console command to get her height and it stays at 80 (She is a child.). First I tried this script. Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase().SetHeight(1.01)Game.GetPlayer().QueueNiNodeUpdate() EndEvent Then I tried this script. Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)if akTarget == Game.getplayer() Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase().SetHeight(1.01) Game.GetPlayer().QueueNiNodeUpdate()endifEndEvent Am I doing something wrong? I would appreciate any help with this problem so I can get it to work.
  7. Wow! This is amazing. You're doing a really great job.
  8. Thank you for all of your help. It's hard trying to do something you haven't done before on a mod with little help from online tutorials.
  9. I have recently released a mod that allows the player to pay court wizards to fill soul gems. It works great, but now I want to add a feature in which you can customize the days you want to wait until you can come back and pick them up. So, i have two questions. 1. How do you make dialog show up after a number of days have passed? I plan on using a global (waittime) for the chosen amount of days the user of my mod wants to wait. 2. Will this cause any problems when the player asks another court wizard to fill their soul gems? I'd really appreciate any help on this subject since timing dialog is something I have never tried before.
  10. It's was no problem. I'm glad to help out in any way possible.
  11. Finally finished it. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54730
  12. I could do this for you if you want. It shouldn't be too hard. What would be your suggestions for prices? Maybe 100 gold for a petty soul gem to 500 gold for black or grand ones?
  13. You could try combination vanilla outfits. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13378 It's an older mod, but it has lots of variety in armor / clothing combinations.
  14. All you have to do is be in the same room with the jarl's steward and type this in the console: player.setstage housepurchase 10 You have to have enough money to purchase the house for it to work I think.
  15. I have 3 Barenziah saves, Whiterun Barenziah (young Barenziah dressed like a boy), Thieves Guild Barenziah, and Queen Barenziah. They are alternate start saves with no quest in the journal. I'll upload one if you are interested. Here's the pic of Barenziah dressed like a boy: http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/6292794-1399943703.jpg If you want to check out pics of the other saves: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/421962/?
  16. You could try Jobs of Skyrim. It's a pretty old mod, but it still works. There is a guard captain who gives you a uniform and will assign you different jobs. I don't think you get to arrest people, though.
  17. That's such a cool idea for a mod. You could probably use one of the MaTera races. They're really foxes, but they could work.
  18. That is a great idea. :) I would make it, but I am no good at that kind of thing.
  19. Wow! I never thought of using akDestContainer as an actor. That really simplifies things. Thank you so much for your help. :) I will have to try it out.
  20. Ever since I created my give gifts mod, I have been looking for a way to make NPCs equip clothes, weapons, and shields that the player has given them. I'm pretty close to figuring it out, but I still have one question? How do you use a variable returned by a function in another script. Here are the two scripts. script on player alias: Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) (GetOwningQuest() As pgiscript).GetPlayerDialogueTarget() if pgi.getvalueint() == 1 if ggclotheslist.HasForm(akBaseItem) kPlayerDialogueTarget.setoutfit(nooutfit) kPlayerDialogueTarget.equipitem(akBaseItem) elseif ggwpnlist.HasForm(akBaseItem) || ggshieldlist.Hasform(akBaseItem) kPlayerDialogueTarget.equipitem(akBaseItem) else pgi.setvalue(0) endif endif pgi.setvalue(0) endEvent pgi is a global that determines if the player is giving a gift.nooutfit is an empty outfit. quest script (pgiscript) Actor Function GetPlayerDialogueTarget() Actor kPlayerDialogueTarget Actor kPlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() Int iLoopCount = 10 While iLoopCount > 0 iLoopCount -= 1 kPlayerDialogueTarget = Game.FindRandomActorFromRef(kPlayerRef , 200.0) If kPlayerDialogueTarget != kPlayerRef && kPlayerDialogueTarget.IsInDialogueWithPlayer() Return kPlayerDialogueTarget EndIf EndWhile Return None EndFunctionHow do I take the variable kPlayerDialogueTarget from this function and use it in my player alias script? I've been googling for the past two days and am at a loss. Any help would be appreciated. :smile:
  21. I want this, too. Spice and Wolf is one of my favorite animes. My bartering mod was inspired by the anime.
  22. I would love to have this in my game.
  23. Thanks for your help, notmyhome. I will contact the mod author. Edit: I just went ahead and made the mod myself. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53884
  24. Is there a mod that adds equipable props like the flower basket, drink trays, potions, or anything else that is featured in idles? I have a character that is a barmaid, and I thought it would be cool if she could walk around with a drink tray. :)
  25. It's not quite what you were looking for, but you could try my become a highwayman mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37545 It is just a basic mod that allows the player to rob people outside of towns and on the roads of Skyrim.
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