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Everything posted by str8maverick

  1. I use 3ds max. And this was a problem a couple of days ago. This probably got attention now because I put the damn thing up (Which was a mistake)
  2. Hello everybody. I was wondering if another modeler could help me with an issue i'm having. I have created and textured my own custom armor which is made up of a coat and skirt. My textures work fine in the game but the two vanilla pieces I added just show up as the default grey. I also cut pieces out of both vanilla models (Thieves Guild & Miners Clothes), is that an issue? Do I have to create a new texture for both of them? Another thing, if you look at my image the skirt texture overlaps the legs. I have no idea what to do there. Any help would be very much appreciated. [Edit] I can't seem to get a small enough file size to attach it into this forum
  3. you should send in an application at http://www.luftahraan.com/
  4. I am creating my own custom armour for skyrim using 3dsmax. All my issues so far, I've been able to get past, but this... I have combined several meshes into one and now i'm completely lost. When I check my envelopes my forearm bone seems to be affecting most of the body. So, my real question is how do you custom rig a mesh for a skyrim body? Or, did i need to do something extra when combining meshes? or, is there a tutorial that goes in depth with complex armours? Any help would be appreciated.
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