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Posts posted by Valkasha

  1. If you use modmanager, uninstall the mod, find the archive in your nexusmod folder, copy the archive to another location. Open it and delete the files you don't want, go to the nexusmodmanager, uninstall the mod you had, then use the select mod from file option and find your edited archive, install the new archive. Note that you can't use select mod from file on archives that are still located in your nexusmod map, that would crash your nexusmodmanager.

  2. Could you try putting all your follower mods and apachii skyhair with your own mod at the bottom of the loadorder for me? Also try exporting the face in CK AFTER you set up your load order then just load it with the SKSE launcher.

  3. Yeah CK is a great tool, however apachii is a bit weird with it. On the apachii mod page the author describes how he edited Lydia step by step, try following that. Otherwise you can make a copy of Lydia in the creation kit, give it a slightly different name and a different ID and then simply spawn it ingame with the console. (help lydia then player.placeatme idofnewlydiajusttrythemalltoseeifitsthere)


    If that doesn't work I have no idea, it should work.

  4. After exporting with ctrl + f4, did it give you the *done* pop up?

    Also BOSS is outdated and might very well put your mod above the apachii sky hair instead of below it where it should be. Try not using it or check whether your mod is still at the bottom after using it, if not, place it back at the bottom. If apachii skyhair doesn't load before your mod then that is probably the problem.

  5. Don't use the alternate actors mod, it's bugged as hell.

    Anyways, do you use nexus mod manager? Did you put your mod at the bottom of the load order? Do you use the racemenu or enhanced character edit mods?

    Anyways if you change lydia in the creation kit, save it as a new ESP and then export her with ctrl+f4 she should be changed and not have a grey face. Try redoing it.

  6. Are you sure the Lydia from your plugin has the same ID as the vanilla Lydia? Also what mods do you use for Lydia? If you use a standalone mod like Bijin warmaidens for Lydia you can't change her in the creation kit.

  7. Okay first off install SKSE, SkyUI and Nexus mod manager. Most of the great mods require them.

    SKSE(Installer option): http://skse.silverlock.org/

    SkyUI: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863/?


    To start you off you can search for most endorsed mods, some mods to start with:


    Immersive armors, adds a huge variety of armor sets into your game: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19733/?

    Immersive Weapons, adds weapon variety to your game: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27644/?

    Enhanced blood textures, makes blood look awesome: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60/?

    Climates of Tamriel, improves the weather, lighting: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17802/?

    Racemenu, so you can make awesome looking characters using ` showracemenu: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/?

    Racemenu precache killer, must have mod because it speeds up your racemenu by a lot: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33526/?

    SFO, making plant life look awesome, recommend summer edition: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/141/?

    Amazing follower tweaks, makes your followers 100x better and adds a lot of extra options: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15524/?

    Safety load, prevents crashes and makes loading faster and safer: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46465/?


    If you think your PC can handle it install a water mod:

    I prefer this water mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41076/?


    I wouldn't recommend getting many HD texture mods or an ENB because your FPS would probably drop a bit too much.

    If you really want an ENB to make your skyrim look better try the performance version of:




    Note that installing an ENB takes some work and getting used to and it can be pretty pretty heavy on your GPU.

  8. Ugh no thanks. In order for you to be a ruler of Skyrim you would have no choice but to stay couped up inside of a castle all day, never being allowed to adventure.

    Also that doesn't really jive with the TES theme. You can be the leader of factions but not a ruler of an entire province/city. You're a hero, you do your job and then disappear into history.

    Being the emperor or high king you could easily appoint a "hand" to rule in your stead while you go around enjoying the benefits of your status and doing diplomatic duties or even leading your armies like Tiber Septim. It doesn't have to be boring at all.

    Anyways there are mods that make you high king of skyrim, I suggest you guys pick those up.

  9. Would be amazing if someone could add a similar looking transformation, would be amazing if it had a swimming animation but I would be very happy if it was just aesthetic too :) It's semi-lore friendly since there's mermaids in elder scrolls lore and games.


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