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  1. So I've been struggling with this for a while - just as the title states - I can't make my way into The Ratways after the first quest (brawling w/ the innkeepers). I've tried and disabled every mod, CTD still occurs. Clean'd everything with TESVEdit - nope, nothing. Like the first time I entered without any problems, yet now when I enter it freezes (no smoke) and the only thing I see is my level in the upper right corner; stands like that for 2,5/3 seconds and then closes: CTD. I've used both LOOT and TESVEdit. I really am at loose now, I don't know what to do. Anyone out there? EDIT: Wow, really? So I did a run earlier this day where I enabled Papyrus logging (yet I know it is not a crash reported), however I saw some bugs regarding OBIS in it, so I decided to delete it. In Vanilla Skyrim you have to wait 10 days for bandits to respawn (or well, relocate/disappear) and so I did and every trace of OBIS went away (I really could have done it without uninstalling OBIS and by just waiting 10 days). Now I'm reinstalling it, as it is a really great mod worth waiting (eventually) 10 days for - in game.
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