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About everywomans

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    Evolutionary Propagation
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  1. Also after logging in, I cannot load images by either dropdown menu from the main page to upload images either from the Images menu or from the icon upload at the far right on the top of the main page. After opening the new image upload page by a dropdown selection, dragging a jpeg file into the upload window results in the Nexus site getting stuck in redisplaying the uploaded image with either partial progress upload green partial load or no progress at all in the progress bar. No feedback image is displayed in the browser window, and tests by clicking the Publish button result in an error reporting that no image was uploaded, confirming the uploading is not finishing or being improperly initialized by Nexus. I also verified connectivity by successfully dowloading a mod, so the problem seems localized to the image uploading. I so not use Github and cannot report the error there. Someone else on Nexus needs to report the error there: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/web-issues
  2. I believe implementing a mod for a simple mine or trap from repurposed objects from basic NMSky is achievable, but there are various levels of realism that involve increasing coding challenges to make the experience more enjoyable. As part of the craftable player deployable portable equipment (like beacons, automatic miners, refiners, or exocraft pads), modify one of these existing model objects to explode or radiate as a trap on contact/proximity. Perhaps part of an existing mod like Exploding Whippy Plants by Jhookah or vanilla game hazardous plants could be repurposed easily such as replacing the plant appearance by an existing (re)modeled object (combining a paving tile or shrunken beacon or tiny signal booster models with the whipping plant functions). Such an item could be added to the player deployable equipment list as a deployable mine or trap. The detonation criteria would seem to be already coded into the hazardous plant definitions. Upon triggering, a trap would persist but a mine would destruct. Add the mine or trap to the menu of craftable items, and then add the mine or trap to an equipment list in the menu for deploying from the inventory (z key). When created, the crafted item would appear in the inventory. Like beacons, restrict one mine or trap per inventory slot to keep the player properly powerful when mobile. To prevent self explosion, the player would be required to deploy (mouse wheel key) a mine or trap at a distance outside of the player volume, like a summoned vehicle or crafted base clipping item criteria. Or for added drama, if the mine were accidentally placed within the detonation radius, the player would take some damage and be more cautious about deploying distance. In the simplest case, the player would be unable to pick up a mine but could destroy it with a mining beam or boltcaster. Ideally, a player could reclaim a mine into the inventory by disabling or without harm or cost. Define the mine item so that when picked up to the player inventory, or possbly when in the player volumetric space, no explosion nor reclaiming fragment animation will ever occur, such as when a flower is picked by the (e) on the keyboard with the rotating cursor countdown clockface. For crafting a mine, require chromatic metal and ion batteries as components, as well as phosphorous, dioxite, or destabilized sodium. For crafting a persistent trap, require an advanced ion battery, platinum, and uranium, radium or sulphurine. Traps would be reclaimable even when triggered. The mine explosion or trap radiation within a radius would damage the health of creatures, sentinels, and destroyable doors or any other destroyable object, such as sentinel loot remains, crystals. minerals, etc. If detonation is not yet enabled in the repurposed deployable object, an object clipping volume, or teleport radius could be used to define a detonation criteria, and either the health would shrink, or when an existence threshold is met, like in mining, the game code itself would delete the exploded creature item or object from the game. The mine health would also need to be zeroed upon detonation so that the game code would automatically delete the mine, or else the mine code function itself would include self destruction definitions. Explosion effects on terrain might be none, or existing functions like the terrain manipulator excavation could be applied to the terrain when the mine detonates. A modder could repurpose existing graphics explosion animations like the asteroid mining, resource mining explosions, terrain manipulation, or the existing fragment animation when reclaiming deployable equipment. The Effects Overhaul Mod by Trevix or Better Asteroid Explosions by Lo2k might be useful. Alternately, as another way of implementing a mine or trap from repurposed game objects, a craftable teleporter object with remoddled appearance as a mine or trap, deployable or even not deployable to the inventory, could be used to teleport (with an explosion animation) a triggering object to nowhere oblivion. As a mine, the remoddeled teleporter itself would vanish upon triggering, or as a trap, persist as a remoddeled object. Lastly, as more advanced modding projects, a mine could be triggered by a player using a command key; or when firing a multitool weapon aimed at the mine; or when scanned by the player or a sentinel; or as a timed detonation started upon deployment of the mine.
  3. In the photographic camera mode, there are several possibilites: >A toggle switch between landscape and portrait views of the scene (borders changed so view dimensions are transposed). >Selectable view rotation angle left or right 90 degrees so portraits could be taken in landscape camera mode but with the subject "lying down". >A crop box in landscape mode that has portrait orientation. Are any of these options feasible to modify NMSky Visions? I would suppose that transposing dimension size definitions would be the simplest to implement.
  4. I cannot address the freighter bug. There are mod improvements to some game features that could be considered bugs and others just to enable easier gameplay and even cheats. Not seeing the planetary coordinates in some ship displays bothered me and I judge it as a bug but not a breaker, but Lo2k had a modded fix. I like many mods by lo2k that fix some innaccuracies and annoyances and aesthetics. He or she might know about a project if you email her to ask.
  5. As a first step for providing a robot companion to No Man's Sky, a friendly sentinel (or quadrapod, or either, or both) as currently exists in basic No Man's as a 3D model, object, stats and behavior functions, could be repurposed by adding the robot as a base item. Further steps beyond a base could be creating the robot as a portable device deployed from the inventory, a summoned vehicle, or else implemented as a NPC multiplayer so that a friendly robot companion or second/third party member could be used by a the Traveller player. The base construction is probably easier to implement at first restricted to within a base, then as a portable device for further exploration and use. Implementing the robot as a special ship or exocraft might also be considered when making a mod for travel beyond a base. For a mobile user-owned robot beyond the base, an exocraft analog might be easiest to implement. A range like a teleport range limit or base limit range could be used to restrict the range of a companion robot. In other words, much existing models, methods, codes and objects can be used to implement a mod or mods, including creating, upgrading, summoning or deploying friendly sentinels. For balancing gameplay, perhaps the robots should be included in the ship or exocraft count so that overpowering is not enable at first until upgrading is performed. The robots could be programmed (or not) by a law of Robotics forbidding the use of weapons against other Sentinels and players themselves but only used only for defense against active hostiles. A deployed robot could be implemented as one of the inventory icons for portable devices, possible only in the tech slots in the exosuit or starship. It could even have the same three slots as a portable refiner or automatic miner, so the robot could be used as limited inventory storage and would have to be repowered from ion batteries or uranium in the fuel slot. Or the robot could be recalled as one of the player's ships or exocraft and be supplied with its own upgradable tech slots. Alternately, a muliplayer robot would be a persistent NPC rather than crafted or deployed from the inventory or summoned. Perhaps multiplayer would be the most difficult to implement, but perhaps it would be the most feasible as an automonous or slaved companion. I do not know. For gameplay, the player would have to 1) craft the robot from rare or expensive parts (base building or portable deployable device implementations) possibly do one or more of the following: 2) receive sentinel upgrades from a manufacturing center control center or from a costly repair tech machine (upgrade tech module implementation) 3) obtain a robot whole (surrender) or as crafting components from defeated bots at a depot or manufactory 4) receive the location of a whole or salvagable robot from an observatory or from a distress call probably Hello Games would have to program the following: 5) buy a bot, components, and upgrades at one of the tech shops 6) deploy the bot from an inventory or summon one from the exocraft/ship summon menu perhaps modded or from Hello Games, or a combination 7) join multiplayer as both a Traveller and a robot. What do you think? Are you game for the challenge? Any insights about feasibilities within the Modders without Hello Games?
  6. It would be great if one or more sentinels or an equivalent functional object could be built at a base so that if any creatures threatened or attacked the Traveller, the sentinel would attack the threat such as annoying predators that attack while the Traveller is busy and focused trying to build a base. The sentinel must not become hostile to the Traveller when the traveller used the multitool weapons within the base. Perhaps NMS multiplayer features would be able to give the mod more capabilities. The existing stats, model, and functions of sentinels in vanilla basic No Man's Sky could be repurposed for wandering mobile base protectors. Otherwise, (like turrets in Fallout 4), a sentinel as a fixed object defender in the same class as a signal booster or large refiner in NMS could be deployed on the ground or built on a wall or fence to defend the base. If this is feasible could someone add to their existing base mod, or craft a standalone mod with some of these features?
  7. When retrieving a portable refiner with condensed carbon fuel in it, it would be better to return condensed carbon as condensed carbon rather than is currently returned as regular carbons, thereby destroying the condensate. I find that using condensed carbon as a fuel is currently frustrating because No Man's Sky returns it as many regular carbons, thereby often overflowing my inventory slots and leaving me without condensed carbon to use for other contruction or refueling purposes. The same could be said for the case of automatic mining units, which also uncondense carbon, so a general refueling mod allowing for in and out retrieval of the same input fuel would improve gameplay. A mod to retain condensed carbon as condensed when retrieving a portable refiner or automatic miner would be a mod to endorse. Even better, as a separate mod request submitted to Forums, possibly rolled into this mod, would be a mod that allows ion batteries as power sources to portable refiners and automatic miners.
  8. If possible, add ion batteries and maybe advanced ion batteries as a better fuel source for fueling portable refiners and miners. Ion batteries are more logical than carbon as a power supply to portable refiners, and I often run out of carbon, which is better used for other things like construction. Both ion batteries and carbon could be options on the refuel panel list if it is possible to add batteries to the list. If a list option is difficult or impossible to implement, perhaps a workaround like having a coded conversion of ion batteries to 250-500 carbons when the ion battery is placed in the fuel chamber or at least convered itself by the refiner when a battery is input as an ingredient. Advanced Ion batteries would last a very long time or produce 500-1000 carbons, and regular ion batteries would last for longer than condensed carbon. I often have a useless surplus of ion batteries that consume an inventory slot, and selling them for 2000 units is hardly worth it. Any condensed carbon that I have saved is quickly lost in refiners directly or converted to normal carbon. No Man's Sky would be better if ion batteries would power portable devices, not only refiners but also automatic refiners. Otherwise, maybe we can try pencil graphite rods to power our mobile tablets instead of USB chargers! Also, as a related feature or separate mod, when retrieving a portable refiner with condensed carbon fuel in it, it would be better to return condensed carbon as condensed. I find that using condensed carbon as a fuel is currently frustrating because No Man's Sky returns it as many regular carbons, thereby often overflowing my inventory slots. I will also put this final idea on the Forums as a separate mod request, but please consider implementing the first idea at least. Maybe both or all refiner mods could be integrated into one mod.
  9. Hi lee37683, I agree completely with your refiner recipe request and have the same frustration. Maybe the refiner recipes could be inserted as a base decoration, like posters on a wall that could be read in game without or with an activation command. I suspect a wall poster would be easier to create than an item for activation. I am going to email directly the user redmas with this suggestion. If you ask redmas also, maybe that user will be more likely to implement a refiner guide. I am considering testing the mod Pictures to Base Building Decorations converter for NEXT to see if several images such as jpgs of recipe lists can be used in the current Visions version instead of NEXT version. Perhaps you could try this method also to ease the use of refiners, at least at a base. Also, I find that using condensed carbon as a fuel is illogical and frustrating because ion batteries are more logical as a power supply to refiners and that I am always running out of carbon, which is better used for construction. I often have a useless surplus of ion batteries that consume an inventory slot. Also it is irritating to have the condensed carbon return to carbon when retrieving a portable refiner with fuel in it. Both ion batteries and carbon could be options on the refuel panel list. I will also put this idea on the Forums as a mod request. Thanks for your input. Feedback is welcome about any success with refiner improvements. I hope you can enjoy any images I have posted to NMS Nexus.
  10. So well written and informative that I read it all. Would have Endorsed it if I could, so here is a verbal kudos. Thanks.
  11. Hi immortal frieza, Your great post is very thoughtful. I agree with your analysis and had installed the crashed ship mod myself after much initial ardor. Have you left your request on the Hello Games site? You did so much work to flesh it out and explain it, so I think they would consider implementing your ideas. There is a link at the Hello Games site to leave your reports and they might update the official game to make the play more reasonable. I asked them to implement map making of discovered waypoints on a planet. For your amusement, and a tribute to my stubborn persistence, when I first played the vanilla game, I role played as an amnesiac pilot, who, after fixing his own ship, decided to collect and restore broken ships as his initial main quest, whatever the cost! After all, it was his main skill initially, and much as a classic car enthusiast will spend great effort and expense to restore a vintage car, I knew I was spending much more on restoring the ships than to sell materials to buy a new one. However, the other crashed ships I restored were both class A ships (one fighter, one explorer), better than the old jalopy class C ship that one starts repairing. So, in the begining, I ended with three ships for much more storage space and ultimately traded the Class A explorer for a Class S of similar design. Money poor but inventory rich. That said, I do not want to repeat the strenuous arduous insane task again for another couple of ships! Unless for a megasize crashed freighter. It would be fun to enter the wings and engine sections to explore and fix and see takeoff again. (Check my images on Nexus of crashed freighters.) I would rail against expending the platinum and gold and other precious materials, but that ship would then be my baby. Have you every found a crashed hauler? I would like to add one to my collection ( ; < o )! Cheers, everywomans
  12. Hi lluhdwing, Try Xeno's improved exploration (1.77) on Nexus. It improved finding rarer creatures for me but I have never sought the vary last fauna on a planet to complete the achievement, though I love exploring. I think the Mod design is still to make finding the whole set of fauna or flora somewhat challenging so that you will still have a sense of accomplishment. I found more varied creatures after installing. I think this Mod will ease your quest, but I understand your frustration with the vanilla game though. Also in the vanilla game version, I tired of creatures constantly appearing at my feet and attacking, and this Mod also definitely improved the spawn distance so that I had chances to defend myself or attack first. Viel Gluck!
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