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About ShannonRutherford

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    United States
  • Favourite Game
    Skyrim, Tomb Raider Trilogy (L, A & U) etc....
  1. I think that u can go and FYCK YOURSELF B!iTCH, got that? Just get out of my face, stupid pathetic trash. For all those haters that hate Thalmor/High King-Queen DLC i hope u get eaten by both cancer and aids, rotten garbage u all are. This loud enough for you? Banned - TVD.
  2. Grelka....just joking. Dunno i was thinking the same thing thought it was Agneir or the other 3 beards like jonarus_drakus said ''Maybe we'll get an answer in the 'final' DLC?'' Fingers-crossed.
  3. Remove the next mods, had the same problem too many mods middle-low pc: Witchplate.esp Better dawnguard vampires.esp LC_ArcherEliteArmor.esp Blaze of eventide.esp Open Cities skyrim.esp climatesoftamriel.esp Sorry, but for mods u need extra good gaming rig.
  4. Noooo.....& im not one of the lost types who mistake video game for reality i just love to create a story that'all. That's a really weird & in serious tone question, just so u know.
  5. ''I don't much like him, but Isran is the only one who knows about these vampires, sigh,,,,,,,,''. She digs DILFS and Isran is well hot, plus she has a wenchy voice. :D
  6. Encounter with Babette is funny i saw only pics on net didn't find video.
  7. This happened to me on most of my characters. They start as civilized folks, good, but then circmustances change them. Kelly (Nord-Thief) was also a Listener but she never killed someone that wasn't on contract so when her new husband Vorstag was killed by falmers, and previous husband Marcurio who robed her couple of gold that she gave to him to keep so that when Elisif alows her to buy house that she has full money & when Samuel & Runa became such a iritating brats especially Runa which ofc both were for some unknown reason up all night outside & on top of that Mirrak started screwing her around by mocking her and stealing her dragon souls, she snapped and became a total evil *censored* who slaughters everybody. Life changed her she wasn't like that, Idolaf changed her, Braith changed her, Heimskir etc.
  8. Castle Dour Ulfric: Rikke go!! Galmar: Stand aside woman, we came for the general!!! Rikke: Dragonborn, i guess this is a fate of Skyrim after all, to be destroyed from inside. Dragonborn: Rikke, go, they will kill u. Rikke:So be it, if general surrendered i won't. Sovngarde Rikke: Do u know the way, im lost. Alduin The World Eater is here. :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  9. Those Argonians & Dunnmers are kinda nice, but i heard today that so called victim Suvaris Hag said that argonians are lazy and don't move their tails something like that plus she actually deserves to be slaughtered and humiliated cuz she has a business with a pirates, b&@*$, also that dude Revyn or Nazzem as dark elf is very suspicious. Teldryn Sevro said that he lived there and that place grey q. is filled with bitter dunmers.
  10. Sond & Bottar are two kids who happen to be some sort of a merchants & when u meet them they move to a closest town. I've been playing Skyrim for months and i never encountered them. Also, Babette taking a snack in wilderness & Torkild, from quest Filial Bonds?
  11. After all what's the big difference with who u join im talking about war with Thalmor, u alone are Dovahkin a person that can crush deadliest dragons, hagravens, vampires, falmers, Alduin The World Eater, Harkon, Mirrak so what is a weakling army of pointed ass-eared high elves.....NOTHING!!! Although, with the Stormcloaks u will at least have strong men & women to fight with u till the end, on the other hand with Imperial Bastards.....they are gonna be killed instantly no wonder why they lost the first war/battle in the first place.
  12. It wasn't very humorous but it made me smile, i was just about to uninnstall the whole game cuz something bugged pretty hard & i've almost given up hope than suddenly after months and months playing Skyrim for the first time ever a funny dialogue starts between Maven & Mjoll in which Mjoll calls Maven cold heartless b&@*$. :) Yeah, that's the thing about Skyrim to this day always something new and unpredictable happens.
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