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  1. Thanks for the response. I followed your advice, but unfortunately it didn't solve the issue. Nonetheless, I've decided to delete the character save in question and start over, which seems to have fixed the problem in that the inventory lag doesn't exist for the new character. I don't know what was up, but it doesn't look like I'll have the problem again.
  2. I have an issue that I'm not certain how to fix. My inventory and favorite menus lag whenever I select an item or spell, buy or sell something, or open a menu. It's only happening on one character, and neither new nor old characters have the same issue. I would start a new character and just use that, but I've already done a lot that I don't want to repeat. I've tried emptying my entire inventory into a crate and it did nothing. I tested to see whether it was due to the amount of spells I have, but I created a new character and used the psb command without being able to replicate the issue. I can't imagine what mod would be causing it, as it doesn't seem to be affecting any other character. Anyone have ideas?
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