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Posts posted by Deleted6317247User

  1. As Kento's memory faded and they were in the tavern again Nawen stared blankly at the man. She could not understand how could Tannin commit such horrible crime and most importantly why. But was it really Tannin? There are many magical items that could cloak one's appearance... maybe it was just some incredibly cruel and sick joke that someone played on Kento?


    She looked up at Rhaine when the Doomguide addressed her and Tak'we. She only nodded, picked up her bow and blade and followed the thri'kreen outside.


    When she was about to go outside the drow stopped and looked at Kento. "I'm sorry for your loss." She said before going outside.

  2. Have fun then, Flipout. Unless it's not fun kind of leaving. :biggrin: I'll shut up now...


    I was also wondering do we have any active rogues at the moment? You know, disabling traps, picking locks kind of rogue? ;D

  3. Nawen got herself a bit of baked eggs with sausage and some bread. She ate everything quickly. It was surprising how hungry she was.


    When a bald man entered the tavern and started speaking in a hostile manner, Nawen reached for her blade but then stopped. Did he say that Tannin was a murderer? She could not believe her ears. She liked Tannin and refused to believe that he did what this man accused him of.


    Nawen watched the bald man suspiciously but could not think of anything to say. "It was better to leave the talking for those better at it." She decided.

  4. Nawen sighed. She was expecting a similar answer. Was she truly that lucky of being raised on a surface? It seemed that there was no place in Faerun for people like her, a drow who was raised to be different than the others of her kind.


    "I'm sorry that you had to live that way, Maydiira" Nawen said softly "and thank you for your words. You have given me much to think on." She added.


    The drow raised her head and noticed how others were gathering for breakfast. Were they talking for so long? She glanced at the winged drow and smiled. "I guess we should get something to eat too. Can't believe we talked for so long."


    She arose from her seat and went to look for something to eat. Despite the rather unpleasant subject, Nawen was happy of having a chance to speak with another drow.

  5. Nawen pondered for a moment what to ask. She had so many questions but which ones to ask first?


    "I have no doubt that there are more drow like us, good drow, why do you think they chose to stay in the Underdark? Why you stayed in the Underdark?" Nawen was well aware how badly some surfacers treat her people, she was treated badly by people who did not know her on so many occasions but not once she thought about retreating to her... true home.

  6. "Lived in shame?" Nawen thought. "So they are like most of the drow houses in the Underdark."


    "Thank you for telling me this, Maydiira." She thanked and glanced at their friends and companions that were in the common room. She then remembered something else she wanted to ask. "Is life in the Underdark really that bad?" She asked.

  7. Nawen shook her head. "No. I don't mind at all."


    She pondered what if Maydiira knew something? Does she really want to know? What if her house is worse than she thought? But then... it would be better to know now rather than finding out in much worse circumstances.


    "The name is Relve'fer."


    Aedan continued his way deeper into the Underdark when one of his wings caught on something. He had to stop as a sharp pain surged through him.


    Several days after his small adventure with Kevorin his wings started to grow. At first he paid no attention to it but later the pain became unbearable even for someone like Aedan who had a high tolerance for pain. His once small wings grew to the size of those that Favored Souls had. The greyish feathers became a mixture of white and blood red colors. To those who had seen his wings in daylight it looked like feathers themselves bled. Some admired the unusual beauty of them but Aedan knew better. His new wings were a curse not a blessing. They were useless and hurt like mad.


    The priests of Ilmater tried to help him when he barged into their temple and threatened to kill them all if they won't help him but they couldn't lessen the burden no matter how hard they tried and he carried out his threat which was one of the two reasons why he went to the Underdark. The second one being, trying to find the hideout of the Cult of the Dragon.

  8. "Maybe they're a sneaky angry mob and waiting for the right moment." Nawen replied jokingly to Azuris comment.


    "I feel the same way." She replied to Maydiira's words about being able to speak with someone of her own race. As for her, she had never even seen another drow before. The ranger listened to what she said about her eyes and stared at her confusingly for a brief moment. "Why people keep saying that?" She thought.


    "I'm afraid I can't answer this." Nawen said sadly. "I don't know who my parents are. I don't even know where in Underdark I was born." She looked away from the other drow and for a moment watched the people in the inn. "The only thing I know is the name of the House I'm suppose to be from."

  9. Nawen stayed out of the conversation and simply listened. She was always a better listener than a speaker. The drow felt sorry for what happen to Kalin but everything he told about elans. Before this conversation she had no idea someone like them even existed. She didn't like the sound of '...will go through any means necessary to keep this knowledge secret.' but for the moment shrugged it off. She will not worry about this council unless they will come after Kalin and them.


    "Welcome to the circus then, Kalin." Nawen said as she remember how one of their old companions referred to them as a circus and she had to admit that they were indeed a very interesting group.


    She was going through her things looking for something that could be of use or simply worth selling when Maydiira approached her table. She smiled warmly and pushed her pack to the side. "Of course." She said.


    Aedan walked in the complete darkness of the Underdark tripping over nearly every rock that got in the way. The enchanted amulet he stole from some merchant before going down there didn't offer much light but unfortunately it was the only light source he had.

  10. "Well at least there's that." Nawen replied to Tannin's comment. She never thought that all those prejudices of all Drow being evil could be useful but she was wrong. Infiltrating evil groups would be easier for them than others.


    Nawen spent most of the night in the common room. Sometimes watching the people, sometimes peeking at the scrolls Xallistine made.


    When everyone started gathering to the common room again Nawen was watching the guards patrolling the streets. Some looked really sleepy.


    "How long are we going to stay here?" Nawen asked. She thought it would be a good idea to find some work to do, or help people to solve their problems, for a price of course. Adventuring isn't exactly a cheap way to live.

  11. "Infiltrate their ranks? Have you done this before?" Nawen glanced at Tannin. She had faith in his abilities and having someone who is familiar with the surroundings and paths in the place they'll be going to could be very useful. The last thing she wanted is their group getting separated, what if some of them got lost?


    As the others started going upstairs to their rooms, the drow stayed in the common room. After all that happened earlier she was sure that she won't get any sleep tonight.


    "If the innkeeper doesn't have any rooms available you can stay in mine." Nawen said to Maydiira. She knew so little about the drow but somehow she already took a liking to her. Maybe it just felt good knowing that she isn't the only Drow who isn't malicious and evil like so many others. Sometimes Nawen wondered if she was the only one like this but it was good to know that she wasn't.

  12. Nawen listened to Maydiira's tale with a frown on her face. Only on very rare occasions she thought about how other drow live in the Underdark but she never imagined it like this... she also wondered how the House she was born into really was. Were they Eilistraeeians or simply good people like Maydiira's house or were they just as evil as Ginafae's?

    "I wonder if they know where you are now." Nawen mumbled. "If our friends feel well enough to travel we should leave as soon as possible."

    Her life as a ranger taught her to be cautious and whether this other drow and her allies knows about their whereabouts or not, Nawen wished to be at least one step ahead.

    She noticed two other strangers entering the tavern but so far neither of them seemed hostile.

  13. Nawen listened to everyone speaking when suddenly she noticed a drow entering the tavern. Just like Rhaine the woman had wings, except hers were white. As strange as it was to see another Favored Soul, or at least that's how she explained to herself why one of her people has wings, what surprised her more was that unlike her the winged drow was not hiding beneath the hood or layers of clothing.


    "Ol zhah natha ssrigg'tul ulu thalra dos, Maydiira. Ussta kaas zhah Nawen." Nawen said as she arose from her seat to have a better look at Maydiira.

  14. I agree with Auri. Great character sheets and welcome back! :dance:


    Edit: Oh. I almost forgot. Sorry for Nawen not introducing herself to some of the newest characters but like Auri mentioned that in my absence Nawen was 'understood' to be with the party so she would have introduced herself. :biggrin: I also have a bit of a problem to understand who's new and who's not. Stupid head doesn't work. :wallbash:


    Edit 2: I also have a suggestion. Since we're using drow language and might use it later in the Underdark maybe we should write the translation from drow to common language in brackets or something.

  15. "So we're going to the Underdark. Again." Nawen thought as she looked around the tavern for the waitress. She was raised on the surface thus she wasn't looking forward of going down there but then again no one in their right mind would be looking forward to a trip to Underdark.


    "This is great." She sighed heavily. "Why can't evil cults ever operate from some peaceful and beautiful location?"

  16. Nawen spent some time in her room patching her old clothes and repacking things. She went down stairs just in time to hear Tannin saying about going somewhere. He did not seem too pleased about it.


    "Going where?" She asked as she joined him at the table.

  17. Hello guys. *waves*


    Good to see some new members and characters. I am terribly late for this but, great character sheets and welcome! ;D


    I know I've missed a lot of events but could someone maybe fill me in about what happened in general and to the characters? Hope that Nawen and Aedan were not murdered in a ditch somewhere. :ohdear:

  18. Nawen thanked Maeve for the oatmeal and joined the others at the camp. She only chuckled at Tannin's comment. It's true some of their meals had sand grains in it but Nawen wasn't picky when it came to the food.


    "I hope we'll encounter big enough animals that are worth hunting. With Tannin's and Amendale's cooking skills we'd have a feast." She commented as she ate the oatmeal. She meant no disrespect to Maeve's cooking, her oatmeal was very good but she could never say no to a cooked meat.

  19. Hehe thank you for the post, Auri. *happybounce* I apologize for not letting everyone know, but it's me (Naktis) and... hello. ;D


    I agree that we should keep the RP in the 3.5e state without moving it to 4e. Even if not everyone are spellcasters in our group but it would affect anyone and not in a good way. Not to mentioned that the Realms were transformed so we'd get lost a lot. :wacko:

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