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About xoxSugah

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  1. I use Slof's Better Beasts and her Khajiit retexture. There's one made to look like her cat and she's made siamese. Her retex adds much nicer eyes too. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24356 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24359
  2. Hey guys. I'm looking for a mod that makes it so your character has to eat and drink, but I can't remember the name. A friend told me about it, but I didn't write down the name so now I'm kind of lost. And, also, I was wondering what the best/most stable cooking mod is.
  3. Oh nice. How long did it take ya to do all that? o.o
  4. Maybe nobody recognized the one from Mabinogi? Or maybe nobody even noticed it. Staff can't be everywhere to see everything that gets uploaded. Just report it when you see it rather than assuming you were singled out ;)
  5. Sultericdrums - Ooo nice. Bookmarking your profile to check back every now and then. 'Cause that sounds awesome. Downloaded Stoker last night, but haven't played any yet.
  6. Sickle - I've not seen any yet. That doesn't mean they don't exist, but I don't know of any. It's one of the reasons why I'm almost -only- looking at male companions right now. If it's gonna hit on "me" on anything resembling a regular basis it needs to at least have the right equipment. I'm pretty sure Slof's right about it. I mean look at the bulk of our games. There's not all that much for us and I find myself being -thankful- when I find a game that lets me play without putting my female characters in metal bikinis. Earlier on there were very few games that even had a female character you could play. There was Samus and that was it. It isn't just the companies that are responsible either. The attacks directed at Slof's work are proof enough that the resentment is there in the community even. I'd say it was mostly homophobia, but I'm not sure that's even accurate. I think mostly we're more tolerant of overt female nudity and sexuality in our games because we've had to share the playground (so to speak) so long we've gotten used to it, but for guys it's really new to have male nudity and male sexuality in a game. So, they're freaked by it.
  7. Stanley - lol. So he's got a romance to him. I...fail to see the problem. If it's just that he's a guy and you happen to be a straight male do what I do when I run across a cool-looking female companion mod that has romance: Sigh and move on. Ya ain't gotta download it.
  8. Slof's Horses, Better Beasts, Dogs, Khajiit Retexture, Robe Trader, and Claws. Then there's Windsurfer's AliveWaters. Ugh. It's awful, but that's all I can think of for immersion mods. You really don't wanna play without Slof's horses though for sure. The black horses in vanilla Oblivion are PURPLE >.<
  9. If you have Knights of the Nine you can always go on your pilgrimage again (just visit a wayshrine of each Divine and it removes your infamy).
  10. They totally count. Dremora Companion is awesome. Edit: If you pick it up again, definitely get the walkthrough in case you get stuck.
  11. I've used Dremora Companion almost as long as I've been playing oblivion. It's one of my favorites, but I think I'd like something new. I don't really know where to start looking for companion mods that have a decent story and quests with them. So, I thought I'd ask. What's your favorite companion? Doesn't have to be necessarily what I'm talking about. Just your favorites.
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