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Everything posted by paulcarroll

  1. Yes, and just today i tried doing the same thing with other races and it works just fine, seems to be exclusive to the argonian.
  2. So i made a duplicate of the argonian race, with altered stats, but in game it has no body, i checked the files in the creation kit and all the parts are there. wat do.
  3. Hi, I'm trying to change the race skills of the Argonian. Now I've done this before with the Dark elf a while ago, but it just doesn't seem to be working with the Argonian. I've tried all I can think of for now, changing load order, turning off all my mods to find a conflict and even getting the mod manager in case that helped. This could be something very simple but I'm not that good at modding so I wouldn't really know. Any Suggestions are Appreciated.
  4. Im newish to modding so feel free to abuse me if this is a stupid question :)
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