In response to post #24871339. #24886114, #24887249, #24887719, #24888359, #24889504, #24889659, #24890009, #24890154, #24890484, #24890884, #24891049, #24891434, #24891459, #24892539, #24892854, #24893109, #24893609, #24894184, #24895989, #24896889, #24897119, #24900929, #24914124, #24916444, #24917124, #25146539, #25148904 are all replies on the same post. Please don't delude yourselves. This need for mod users to feel as if they're as important as the mod authors is absolutely insane. I've never created a mod for Skyrim. I've downloaded hundreds and endorsed many, but I would never lie to myself that I'm somehow contributing that way. I have contributed absolutely nothing of worth to the Skyrim modding community, and that's true of everyone else who's never made a mod. For me to think that by downloading and using mods I am somehow contributing to the community would be the height of arrogance. I would love a way to pay modders for their hard work. I spend a decent percentage of my income on gaming as it is. To buy a $1400 gaming PC and then turn around and refuse to pay for mods would be very shitty of me. Donating is not something I'm interested in, because when I pay for something, I want to receive something in return, just like I do with my Steam library or my record collection.