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Everything posted by ENGINEERH4RR7

  1. Hi, i just got this error out of no ware at the start of the month of November and cannot edit any script in my personal .esp files, which worked before November. Tried adding the remaining 6 DLCs as load as masters, but did not work. The source script refuse to assign a property and refuse to save, although they still compile. It is becoming impossible to make level list injections.
  2. Just started having this issue. when trying to click on the properties on the script in the CK and the properties window comes up blank. It happens to all my scripts. Tried reinstalling the ck but it did not work. "Errors encountered while attempting to reload the script"
  3. Hi It will be cool if the main wood gate is updated with a new model that has an electric motor that can be to be connected to a power supply, requiring 1 power, and auto close after 10 or 15 seconds after closed. This is due to so many settlers constantly just leaving the gate open when they randomly walk around the settlement. The mod should be kept simple with the game being the only thing able to be placed. Thanks
  4. Hello community I am searching for a script that looks for where the player Pip Boy has detected a radio frequency for 1st time after the player has walked into the radius of the radio transmitter. This way, another quest can be triggered by (ex.): SetStage(10). Something like the quest Fire Support. Thanks
  5. Hi, this is exactly what I was looking for, and while I managed to make my quest alias, how do you set up the overall quest?
  6. Thanks, exactly what I was looking for.
  7. Hi, just installed Oblivion on PC. Have it set to large textures and the game runs except it crashes when I minimize it and try to restore it from the task bar. Only tested it while in the opening menu, not in game, but I think it will do the same thing. Any help. Relevant Spect: radeon 7 with ryzon 2600x. 32Gb of RAM.
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