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About Morgwynn

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    Fallout: 3, Fallout NV, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
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    Fallout: 3

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  1. devinpatterson This is so awesome. Thanks allot. :woot: :D :laugh:
  2. Why not just alter her appearance in the " showlooksmenu " console commands.? . . . This thread might help. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3391300-using-console-to-change-npc-appearance/
  3. So I just heard about this whole thing today and to be honest I don't know what to think. I'm not a modder although I have probably spent around 50 hours in the G.E.C.K. tinkering with making companions/followers for myself but I've never posted anything, however I have the utmost respect for what modders do because for me trying to make any kind of mod is incredibly intimidating. I have watched many video's about this and poured through reddit comments and i'm more confused now than when I began looking into this.
  4. I was just adding my 2 cents to this post. Is there something wrong with drudging up some Fallout lore for no reason other than I wanted to comment.?
  5. I'd like to see a Pipboy mod that adds a bottle opener to the Pipboy and a bottle opening animation for when you pop open an ice cold nuka cola.
  6. Gretch in Fallout 1 was a Dwarf that worked for the Doctor in Junktown and he was a little slow in the intelligence department so maybe an intelligence cap of 3-4. Well according to the Wiki on Gretch his IQ was 8 but his dialog seemed very simple to me. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Gretch
  7. Yes but in Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 Dogmeat could be killed and both Dogmeat and Ian got killed allot in Fallout 1 making you reload your saved game allot to keep them alive.
  8. Charles View Amphitheater is the base for the cult-like Pillars Of The Community and it makes me wonder what they might become in another 100 years. It seems to me that religions often start out as small cult-like organizations and grow in influence until the become more and more recognized by the greater populace around them.
  9. Omgosh Sugar Bombs that are actual Bombs. Your daily intake of Awesome.
  10. Oh yeah an more pastries with better food buffs. Cakes, Donuts, Pies. Also maybe Cakes and Pies that work like lures bring raiders and enemies away from the others where they can be stealth killed. But that is probably to hard to do and would require allot of scripting I would imagine.
  11. I have a problem . . . I'm obsessed with Cakes, Pastries and all manor of sweets. I tried to make a pastry chef character build and there are some weapons like the rolling pin and the knife that work for that kind of build but I thought it would be cool if a brilliant talented modder could turn the lab coat into a chefs jacket/coat with an apron that says " fear the sweet roll " and a retexture of the mini nuke to look like a sweet roll but still have the same punch as a mini nuke. The Pastry King/Queen character build would become the heroic saviour of the Commonwealth.
  12. Everyone is so afraid of your characters reputation that they wont dare attack them, nobody would. That sounds immersive to me.
  13. I heard that Gopher made iHud (LITE) for Fallout 4 and might be making a version for Skyrim SE and that might be what your looking for.
  14. Very cool idea i'll be watching this post and see what develops since my modding experience is very limited.
  15. Why not just use the RTS ( Real Time Settler ) mod for Skyrim. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12683/?
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