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About MadApplez

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  1. Is there a way to save a collection of objects you have placed in a room? I.E. I created a room, and a table that goes with it. Say i cluttered said table perfectly and i would like to duplicate it for ease of use. Is there a way ( other than the obvious Duplicate function ) to save the collection into an actual object? I guess one more example for science... If i created said cluttered table, and wanted to just search for... "ClutteredTable01" And it would find my saved objects together so i can just drag from object window? thanks in advance
  2. My question is simple. I want my cell to always be Night time. Is the only way to do this by making the entrance to the cell only available during night time hours?
  3. So in order to better understand the title let me explain what i'm trying to do. I have an interior Cell. I am attempting to create a balcony that looks outside at a "simulated" outside environment. An example would be a Balcony that is connected to a castle, that has a view of outside... ocean and sand or something. The player obviously will be prevented from going there. But im asking if this is possible. And if so... How?
  4. Well unfortunately i do have programming experience. :( 5 languages to be exact. So i feel particularly at a disadvantage. Lol It does make sense...
  5. Hello everyone, im not sure if this is the right place to pose this question. I am Creating a Scripted event between an NPC and a player - and i need some assistance! This is what i want to happen (Theoretically) 1.Player Trips a tripwire (or some sort of trigger) 2. This alerts a nearby NPC 3. The NPC runs to a location to "Release the hounds" So in order to make myself clear. I want the Player to Trigger the NPC to move to the cage with the animal in it (The NPC has the KEY in inventory) and when the NPC moves "Through" the cage he should unlock the door. releasing the animal.
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