In response to post #24615234. #24615334, #24618949, #24619709, #24621479 are all replies on the same post. We still got Fallout woohoo. So this is what Bethesda has to look forward to in it's first E3 this is gonna be interesting from here on out.
So my hopes for this is you can put a newer version of your mod on Workshop and i hope eventually work it's way back home here on nexus. I see a lot of mods with newer versions on Workshop and not here my hope is it eventually gets updated here as well. The nexus isn't going anywhere free mods aren't going anywhere. I'd just hate to see mods not be updated here now that they can be bought on Workshop.
I see all the negative comments and realize people need patience there are thousands and thousands of files. You can still download the mods manually and install them.