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Posts posted by tnu

  1. Increased realism / immersion - I used Project Nevada in NV and have been thinking of F3ProjectrealityMk1, is this the closest equivalent?


    Can't think of anything quite like Project Nevada. but I've heard FOOK, MMM, and FWE offer these sorts of features.. I don't use them myself so I wouldn't really know.


    Increased wasteland spawns - Is this available in FO3?[/quote


    This is a stand alone version of the one that comes iwth MMM. You can use this if you don't want to use MMM but if you're using MMM you don't need this.



    Weather mods, I was thinking Fellout, is this still the best around? I had a moon mod as well, made the night sky awesome. Along that line I used Nevadaskies in NV and the rain feature was awesome, anything like that here?


    Fellout is more atmosphere then whether. It's a very nice mod (gives me an excuse to use Nightvision anyway) but I think Project Reality is closer to what you're looking for. Just watch out for space storms.


    Lighting, is there anything like Electro city where there are working lights in the wasteland? And somthing to make nights darker?


    Felloutmakes nights Darker but I don't know if it works iwth Project Reality Which May or may not do the same thing.


    A green mod, like trees / grass etc, I know the wasteland isn't supposed to be green, but I would like to have one for this playthrough.


    There are plenty of Green mods out there. the one I'm most families with is Greenworldthough that one is abit old. I do know there are others but I CAN'T REALLY THINK OF ANY RIGHT NOW.


    Weapons mod ala NV - this was an awesome feature and I'd like to have it in FO3 if something like is available, I don't use any of the weapon mods as a rule, so just something basic preferred or one that can be used with just the vanilla weapons.


    Weapon Mod Kits is your best bet.


    Any decent quest mods, I played tales of the burning sands, the new bison steve and new vegas bounties and they were both awesome.


    Mothership Zeta Crew is one of the best there is. It also has a very strong support base with people constantly making addons for it. I'd also recommend MERC 2 which has also gained a storng support base of late. One more that I may reccomend is If You Want It Done Right which allows more freedom in howyou do the main quest. I've also heard good thigns about the work of Puca Moose in this area and I almost forgot Vault 101 Revisited. I've also heard high praise for CUBE Experimental. The Librarian: Orions Gate is pretty cool but it's kind of weird, The Project offers a nice combat focused quest and goes great with Mothership Zeta Crew and MERC 2. FNNCQdoes a great job of expanding the slavery system in the game.



    Companions, I used both Willow and wendy gilbert in NV and would like something like that in FO3, I'm gonna try Llama's Charon, but would like a couple of others.


    I use Brisamyself as well as Sharing and Caring Companions oh yes and Sydney Follower You may want to also check aout TalkieToasters mods as he has a very nice selection to choose from.


    Homes / bases - I used wendy gilberts home for a base / horde home in NV and the quest home you got during the new bison steve mod quest in NV in the NW for display purposes / trophy house. I'd like a couple of homes, probably the megaton house expanded in some way with more storage for a main base for load out, selling loot and horded loot and another, can be anywhere really for a trophy house.


    Depends on what you're looking for. I'd recommend DanTheGeek's Underground Hideout mod as well as Gred's Mansion,Mini Hideout, and RR Companion Vault (with the Refurbished addon that makes it look really nice).


    This is what I have in the area of recommendations for now. I have a little digging to do for some others that I would recommend and I wanted to get this post out there some time this last two hours. I'll edit it with other recommendations os stay tuned.

  2. This is somethign that's been on my mind for a while. When playing Fallout 3 I really miss one thing from New Vegas (other then the Superior craftign that is). It's being able to plant C4 on some poor unsuspecting sap and then being able to detonate them at will. would it be even remotely possible to make this?
  3. Hey. This has been dsomething bugging me since I first downlaoded the Brisa mod. one of the best companions i've ever played really. The thing is that I'm looking for osmethign that allows you to manage the inventories of vanilla companions like in that mod with different stuff like casual dress, combat, swim, sleepwear and other such different outfit choices. Is there anything like that?
  4. If anyone can be of aid in this regard. I'm looking for a template and/or guide in making a creature companion. I checked EZ Companions but i'm a little confused on it and am not sure it would support the type of companion I intend to create. I'm trying ot make an alien from Mothership Zeta in to a companion but i'm looking for either a guide or a template that would be good for thast purpos.
  5. Could anybody give me a good list of the "support" companions type mods? I mean like companions that do hacking and lockpickign and medical stuff. I've been looking for something pretty specific in that area and I havn'tbeen able to find what i'm looking for just yet.
  6. I'm just looking for a simple alien companion. It doesn't ahve to be anything fancy (although that would be nice). Just be able to wield weapons and maybe MAYBE provide one or two functions (repairs and medical aid). I'm just looking for a Smart Guy to complete my Five Man Band.
  7. Hye is there any known mod that is a large fortified building or collection of buildings with a good ammount of features includign a palce to land a Valkyrie from Mothership Zeta Crew?
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