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Posts posted by tnu

  1. for the longest time i've been looking for a mod in the style of Enclave Commander that allows you to command the following.


    Sierra Madre Holograms



    Securitrons Mark I, II, III, IV, V, and VI.





    Great Khans.


    Trauma Override Harnesses.



    Think Tanks.


    Ghost People.



    Military and Police Cyberdogs like the ones found in Big MT.



    how much work would a mod like this entail? Would anyone be willing to undertake it?

  2. I was juyst talking iwht my friend about this and i'd love to help if I can don't ahve any real talents but I have some good sound equipment. Also I have to ask how you plan on getting the PC back to the Sierra Madre. I was working on a plan like this with a friend recently and we came up with a system that would use both Old World Blues and Dead Money. you see after you complete them both you will have the ability to travel to the Sierra Madre from the North Tunnels of Big MT. presumably the ones Elijah used to get there. anyway. You would actually probobly start by using all the tech in Big MT to build a faction out of there and restore all those factories, testing facilities and such. It just seems a waste ot let them sit there and leave them to the Lobotomites. all the train tunnels couold be used for travel (with optional add on patches say the Eastern tunnel takes you to Zion for instance). each building had a veyr clear purpos that you could restore. can you imaginehaving Saturnite Alloy Power Armour foryour new Empire? an army of Securitrons and Cyberdogs? with the combined might of the Madre and Big MT the possibilities would be endless! Capture test subjects, rebuild those places to their former glory and use them for production and testing of new tech. Harness the cloud!
  3. i'm looking for a good Castle mod for a vampire. Somthing in the mountains to the north/north east area. Well designed, ideally a quest to get it but that's optional. Nice features, Blackclaw Castle is nice but it really has severe issues. Castle Dracula conflicts with Frostcrag so are there any other ideas?
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