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Everything posted by Matchew

  1. So I find myself in this saddening dilemma: I hadn't played played Skyrim since the beginning of this past Summer, but I specifically turned off Steam's auto-update feature just before 1.6 so my mods wouldn't gt messed up. I think I updated any way, but I kept auto-update off. This worked great because returning back to the game just a few days ago, I could just jump in with all my old forty or so mods. Long story short, an old light flickering problem was pestering me, I went to check CoT because it's the only mod that alters lighting. I right-clicked it in the Mod Manager to see if I could find out anything about it. I noticed there was a submenu for update warnings which probably dealt with mods being out-of-date. I hovered over it for a second and then hovered off the box and left-clicked to make it go away. All of sudden, a very quick, half-a-second update box pops up and now I don't have Climates of Tamriel any more. It doesn't exist on my computer. Let me express my frustration by spelling out our favorite acronym: what the f***?!
  2. I know that most if not all of the installed mods will not be up-to-date with the game itself. Together, they'll run as if they were fresh in June, but with the official game update, I can only foresee massive conflicts and crashing. What's my best course of action. Do I undertake the tedious job of updating all the mods in the list (Assuming they even exist any more) or accept the possibility of a lost save file, and start fresh? PS Perhaps to some 48 seems like a lot of mods at once, but after months of experimentation, I nailed the setup I wanted with those 48 that really make the experience so much more fun and, really, complete (Such as some weather- and food-related survival mods).
  3. Is anyone else offended by how Silt Striders are tamed and mounted?
  4. "Choice," Todd Howard spoke--Choice!
  5. I hope I'm not breaking rules by bumping (Sorry if I am), but does anybody know what this is? I can't find it. This might be the mod you're looking for: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16084 It is! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  6. I hope I'm not breaking rules by bumping (Sorry if I am), but does anybody know what this is? I can't find it.
  7. I've seen a mod that increases the follow distance of followers so that they don't block you in door ways. To me, that's a little meh. It works and it's a decent idea, but it's not my style. Instead, I'd like to see a mod which causes followers--and perhaps NPCs in general--to slide or stumble out of the way when you walk into them. Or perhaps an AI mod that prompts them to move if you push into them.
  8. Keep trying to find it, but nothing. It might be Workshop only, but I hate going through Workshop. Basically, it was a smithing mod that allowed you to gain smithing exp at grind stones, work benches, and smelters.
  9. Every time I do a re-launch, I get the desired results. I've found some other small interiors in the actual game that have dummy items and tested them with re-loads multiple times--With no problems. So I'm not sure if this is a situation where, like you said, some changes remain in effect. You wouldn't think that would happen with dummy items. It does seem to be related to having been in the tomb itself prior to re-load because if I launch and re-load multiple times before ever COC'ing to the tomb, and then enter the tomb, items are there... until the third load after having already entered the tomb twice, and on the third entry. It doesn't matter if I leave the tomb prior to re-load. The results are the same. I wonder, though, if it could be an SKSE problem. I suppose it's unwise to test your mods with mods already installed first (Then again, it could work for the purposes of seeing compatibility), but the other thing I've noticed is that after my third RE-load, I hear a clinking sound, as if something is being dropped when the file loads up. I investigated with TFC and sure enough, a shield I gave Lydia using my "Dress Better" command for UFO was dropped and Lydia was using her default setup with the "Dress Better" command turned off. I don't know if they're related, but maybe I should just work through the tutorial first and worry about this s#*! at a later date.
  10. Really obvious, but have you activated them? Do you have them ticked on in the plug-ins tab?
  11. Alright, so I recently started using the Creation Kit and following along some of the tutorials to build a foundation. Right now, I'm following the level design series and I'm on chapter 3, up to the (Obviously) leveled item section. I placed two dummy items, a book and a helmet, just pulling a helmet list and a book list out at random to go with each. Then I placed down an urn with a custom leveled item, which was a robe list (Psijic, Archmage, Thalmor, and Graybeard). After running the preview calculator a few times, I wanted to see how it went in-game. The initial load-up was fine. I had a 22% chance NONE set for the leveled item, so when I re-loaded, the urn was empty. But, when I reloaded a second time, there were dummies and the urn was empty again. I knew the dummies had 0 chance NONE, but thought I'd reload again and see what happened. Again, no dummies and the urn was empty, an empty urn being understandable with a 22% chance none. So I re-loaded a few times more... to no dummies and an empty urn. My next move was to quit to desktop and re-launch the game, which after doing so, I was happy to find a book and a helmet, and two robes inside my urn. Great! So I re-loaded. Again, I had a book and a helmet, and two different robes in my urn (Double wowie). Second re-load: Kind of the same, in that the dummies were missing again, but there were two robed in the urn--The same two robes as in the previous load. I loaded a few more times, the urn kept spawning the same two robes and the dummies were gone. So I re-launched. Same problem. After the second re-load (third load), in a single launch session, dummies disappear and the leveled item in the urn locks to the contents of the urn in the first re-load (second load). This is a huge problem. Suppose somebody downloads a mod I make a few months down the line and they've been reloading a bunch of times, enters my custom dungeon and finds nothing, thinking I was screwing them.
  12. Thanks for pointing out the help command. I found it. But it doesn't come up as "FormID", but as a "WEAP"--for 'weapon' I suppose. Although, while it did have six decimals, it had a letter also (27001C4). Is that normal? Also, it is 'Equip', not 'Add'. The console doesn't recognize the 'Add' part of the command, at least not for my game. What I don't understand is that I gave it a FormID. Why wouldn't it just recognize that FormID?
  13. So, basically, I loaded up my testquest.esp in Creation Kit and I was following the "Customizing Weapons & Armor" tutorial on CreationKit.com for doing just the Vorpal Sword, doing what they said almost word for word (I used my own weapon ID and title). At first, when I went to save my testquest.esp, it barred me, saying that it was either a Master File, or it was in use. What the tutorial was failing to mention was that I needed to set the esp to 'active' when I loaded it up. So, I went back in with it set to active, did everything the tutorial told me, saved, and booted up Skyrim. I made sure I had testquest.esp ticked in the launcher Data box, and toward the bottom of the load order. When I got in the game, I pulled up the console, typed in player.EquipItem (expletive-laden item id) 1 and the console replied "Item ... not found for parameter ObjectID. Compiled script not saved" So, I went back into my testquest.esp and my custom sword is definitely in there. Can anyone help with this? I have no idea what to do from here.
  14. I may have misunderstood how you mean "no competition", so please disregard if this is already plain to you. :smile: I think you may be misreading Tes5Edit, though. In the picture, CoT (lower in the load order) wants a certain list of WeatherType for SkyrimClimate. SoS (higher) wants a different list. The game cannot merge lists - of any kind - so the conflict is resolved purely by load order. Hence, Tes5Edit is showing you all of CoT's list in red ("removed") because none of that list will be in effect in the game. Only SoS's list will be in effect. If you wanted both lists to be in effect, you will need to make your own ESP that merges the two lists into one list. BOSS can automate this kind of task, Tes5Edit has a more hands-on approach. I actually prefer Tes5Edit myself, since you can drag-drop fields to fine tune your merge. For example, in that screenshot, if you dragged "CoTCloud_20_VT" to the right, the column for SoS, you would add that as an entry to the list in the SoS ESP. You probably don't want to modify the SoS mod itself though, so right-click on the left panel instead, choose Other, then Create Merged Patch. Hope that helps? I'm guessing I do misunderstand TES5Edit a little. I haven't really peeped any tutorials, I've just been looking at ESPs and ESMs to get an idea for what they specifically add to the game. Where my confusion came in is that although I know that conflicts occur when there are two mods trying to edit the same list, I thought you would always see the conflicts side-by-side. Maybe this is still the case, which leads me to ask if SoS has a conflicting list, why are the slots for that list blank when next to the CoT list? I don't think I'm gonna merge them because for all I know, that will end up showing blizzards when I clearly want it to look Springy. I was just trying to figure out which conflict was causing SoS to cancel out CoT's dark nights.
  15. I'm doing some edits in TES5edit to make some mods work better together. Nothing serious. It's my first time. Basically, I have the "Seasons of Skyrim - Springtime Overhaul" installed as well as "Climates of Tamriel". For some reason, SoS is stopping CoT from implementing its darker nights, but when I go into the files, there are no conflicts between them with either "Weather" or "Image Space". Instead, the only other two folders they have in common which do conflict are "Climate" and "Region", but neither seems to conflict regarding anything related to how light or dark night time is. Where they do 'conflict', a majority of which is in Weather Types, it indicates SoS as winning conflicts in which CoT offers no competing weather type or CoT as losing conflicts in which SoS offers no competing weather type. Any reason why this is? Example: http://i.imgur.com/kLigAMj.png
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