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Everything posted by TheTaleofTrainMagic

  1. why did you take the mod down? moders that do this never put it back up. why do you attack allof us, you could have just disabled the comments. treating people badly by hiding the mod is mean. some of us including myself would love to try the mod out, and even contribute to helping you develop it. i wanted to help you myself. why have you abandoned the mod and decided to not make it public? that will not earn you endorsments or donations. you just attacked the entire community that supported you.
  2. would you guys at the nexus, hire a website designer by any chance?i need a job and im really good at website designing.
  3. In response to post #7653202. #7653386, #7653470, #7653702 are all replies on the same post. we re not all Rich like you buddy, you sound like a corporate greed supporter. the nexus is defrent than that, they don't attack the poor. we are not freeloaders just because we don't have millions of dollars a day to spend.
  4. In response to post #7639494. they may be angry with this site for some reason. i see alot of very hateful comments about the nexus sites on you tube lately. i hope they realize however that hacking is a Fellony, plus a long prison sentence. its not a proper way to get anytype of reveange, its just plain wicked and i hope they get caught and arrested whoever it is. hackers are Real Jerks. i just got a virus from the nexus.exe file myself,i opend it by mistake trying to remove it. they should relize they are hurting peoples computers allver theworld and can get in seriouse trouble for it.
  5. its not fixed, i just got the nexus.exe file from one of the free servers, got the right file from a defrent free server. it seems to have affect only certain servers. almost destroyed my computer though, thanks to avg i was able to get my computer working again without reformatting my hard drive.
  6. I hope nobodys master boot record sectors in their Hard Drives got infected because if it gets in the master boot sectors of the hard drive, then you have to buy a brand new hardrive. wich cost a lot for people like me that use terabyte hard Drives. luckily ive not been infected. i will let you know if i see anything strange so you can fix the issue. im a graduate of computer repair. so ive seen alot of virus problems and had to replace alot of peoples hard drives in the past, including my own. i hope you plan on reporting this hacker to the authorities so they can get arrested and pay for their attacks.
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