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  1. But if you're interested: Room Bounds and Portal Basics yea room bounds sound like my problem! how ever i see no solution, so how do i change or interact with room bounds or is the portal my problem? You see when i go to my map all i see in the little box that shows me what i have put on the map is the trapdoor-latter that is the other end of the portal and a corner piece i don't remember putting their (it should be a dead end piece) but thats it ever thing else is gone... should be at least 50-60 pieces! also the rename doesn't work cuz the BAK file already has .esp on the end of it, but when i look in properties it's file type is .BAK. The above post is correct about the .BAK file extension being hidden by windows etc. I'd forgotten about that but indeed that happens. I'm leaning away from thinking the roombounds are the issue by the way you describe it. The roombounds would cause the pieces to be invisible in game, but in the CK they should still be viewable if they are there regardless of roombound. In anycase you can, open the 'view' tab at the top, then open the 'Show/Hide' selection on the view list, and you will see checkboxes for various things there that you want to show or hide in the render window, like water, terrain, etc. One of those options will be what you need, I can't remember off the top of my head what it's called, I think portals are part of the title though. Either-way that is a handy tool to show/hide various things in the level, especially the roombounds. That said, I don't think it's your problem unfortunately:(( If indeed your work was not saved, hopefully the .bak file will allow you to go back to something close, even if that is not the case I wouldn't get too bummed out about it, I'm pretty sure there's not a modder out there that hasn't lost hours of work for some mistake or another at some time or another. I know I've done similar loss scenarios to myself on a number of occassions. I tend to go real slow on the 'make active' part now just to make sure I don't fall in that one anymore lol. I think my biggest loss was a single six hour session lost to simply not saving and then a CK crash. I personally didn't even know about the backups at that point so I just redid it all. It happens so don't beat yourself up over it!
  2. Hello there, Several possible causes for this. Very likely not a random occurence. Most likely off the top my head is that you did not adjust your roombounds. If you create any roombound at all (roomzones that have to be connected by visual portals) than anything outside those roombounds is/willbe invisible. Also possible that your mod was not flagged as the active file when opening the ck. If you accidentaly forget to make sure your mod is the 'active' file (double right click, or make active button) then any work done will not be saved to your .esp. Have done both of these myself when starting out so is possible they are the reason. As far as the backup files are concerned you do have to rename the .bak to a .esp and it will open in the ck then, the ck wont just open the .bak file. Hope that helps.
  3. Hello there, I am also a dungeon modder, (mentioned in your user comments actually). Made Terramis' Forgotten Ruins, been trying to go around and let the other dungeon modders they're not alone in getting these sorts of comments about the dungeons not working or ctd's and whatnot. I honestly think this is not an issue with your work. I will when I have a moment try yours out, but there is some underlying problems with how Skyrim is dealing with dungeon mods to be sure. I understand how disheartening it is to watch your comment section fill up with complaints, especially after hundreds of hours of work, at this point I'm not sure it can even be avoided since we seem to be getting so little help from bethsoft on issues etc. I've tried several 'alternate' file structures with the help of community members etc. Even if the underlying engine issues didnt exist, mod conflicts would happen naturaly in some cases and are understandable, however in all the cases I've investigated the problems are not the fault of the modders in question. To make matters even worse, because so many have had problems with dungeon/quest mods in general I think a large portion of the community is totaly avoiding them due to frustrations on their end, they want their game to work and that is totaly understandable. I've come real close to dropping the whole thing several times as I'm sure many have. Dungeon creation mods are the least played and downloaded mods by a longshot compared to other mod types. None of this sounds very encouraging I know, however I do believe that as time goes by, and the ck gets some adjustments from bethsoft and the stigma of dungeons/quests breaking peoples games gets a little less, we'll start to see some general improvement in these issues. Again I have not personaly tried your mod yet, I intend to do so soon though. Contact me if you'd like to talk about these issues further as I have been smackin my head on that wall for a while now :wallbash: Best Regards
  4. Life is Weird...
  5. Indeed, it certainly is automated or at least is happening on save automaticly. I have seen now that on reopening the file in the ck after running the game that the Grup:Navi has been recreated, still with it's 'unknown' etc. It could perhaps still be of help if part of that Navi from pre-1.5 is whats wrong than a new ck creation post-1.5 might still do the trick, but yes the modded Navi in the .esp returns on it's own. I wonder if it's just an issue with IDing the Navi with the same ID number...as in shouldn't the FByadayads thing be different for every mods Navi? why so many share the same ID number. On a side note in regard to potential conflict causers, does anybody know if the map marker and such being listed at cell cords 0,0 in the .esp is normal? I've tried changing it several times and no matter what cell I actually put the map marker in the .esp lists it as being part of the cell 0,0 group....just wondering:) Good efforts though none-the-less:_)
  6. Hiya:) I think this is also correct but not mutualy exclusive, if I'm understanding you correctly. The game should use the vanilla masterdata Navi regardless ? I think what he was saying was that in making the mod and/or load doors some change is being made to that masterdata navi that shouldnt be happening, and hence we are all inadvertently changing the same thing, causing the conflicts with mods that should for no legitimate reason be conflicting... or perhaps I'm not understanding. What we're hoping is that by deleting the modded navi form we can then resave and have a clean version without the unexpected change. Fortunately thus far npc's seem to be using doors regularly, at least for me after trying this, so we'll see what happens:))) either way, the more eyeballs on this the better so thanks!
  7. I think I got it, I only had the one Grup:Navi in the file so it has to be that one, I got TESVsnip to do it http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5064 the rest were all Grup:NavM which I assume are my meshes. I tested and everything seems fine in the file after, navmeshes appear unharmed and if anything I think I saw a performance gain (could be my imaginations lol). Anywho I wasn't having the conflicts in the first place, so hard for me to test if the ctd is gone. Perhaps since you were having the problems you could test it out. Latest version at: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12935
  8. Hello there! This sounds great, without even trying it, it certainly sounds like the type of thing that would cause all these problems:)) Excellent investigative work! So.... I've used the find text function as you've explained to locate the object, it shows up in the text search window, but I cannot delete it there? and cannot find where to delete it from, I searched the .esp details before load and could not find 00012FB4 in the list, there are certainly a couple Navi groups but there is no identifying numbers listed for them in the .esp details so I'm not sure which one to delete:( There is only one Navi group outside the cells I've made nav Mesh's for, it's probably that one I'd guess but would hate to have to redo any of the navmeshing I've done. The one I'm looking at doesnt even have an identifying cell that it goes with, my .esp starts with TES4 and then has the questionable navi group then has my first dungeon cell. So.....I'm a little confused on how to delete it but this deffinitely sounds promising! Let me know in newbie terms where I can delete this thing from! Thanks, and thanks:))) T
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