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About CottonTexas

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  1. I have a tendency to watch game play vids long before I ever purchase and/or play a game myself. Not only does it allow me to decide whether or not I might enjoy a game, but what mods I might like to install. Yes, I totally nerded-out, and actually had a long list of mods before I ever bought FO4 (for $13 several years after it came out). :) What I remember was a mission of some kind to recover synths to the Institute. There were grenades that when they were deployed near a synth, would transport any synth within a specific radius to the terrarium where the synth gorilla was kept. I'm playing with an alternate Institute ending, and for the life of me, I cannot figure out if this was a quest that I accidentally missed out on because of this mod, or if this was something that was added by another mod, or if I'm just plain crazy, and everything I thought I knew was just my own made up insanity. Anyone is welcome to chime in here. Much appreciated, Cotton
  2. Old thread, but still very true. I was just looking for a mod that does this when I ran across this post. I'm surprised this doesn't annoy more people ...or at least enough that a mod-author might take pity on we, the humbly less-capable :) Cotton
  3. Sorry for the necro, but yeah, this would be an awesome mod! All the uses for it - locks & terminals too advanced for your current level, combat spawn locations, POI's. A mod like this would be just great. Cheers, Cotton
  4. Yeah, I feel ya OP. I've got 1k+ hrs. on LE that I stuffed full of now-defunct mods in search of the perfect game-play, and I recently upgraded to SE when I had to do a reinstall of my OS. I spent way too long putting together a half-decent mod-list just before AE was released. Now all the research into what works & what doesn't just makes me look at the game like a hassle to mess with. Instead of wanting to play the CC stuff that I paid for, I just don't want to bother with it anymore. I'm stepping back for a while, & we'll see whether I feel like giving it another go, or TES VI comes out first. Cotton
  5. Not addressing anyone in particular, but I thought I'd share with everyone that may be interested. I've stumbled across a list that appears to have some good info on "version 1.6" SKSE mod compatibility. The list uses terms such as "AE" & "Anniversary", but in this case I don't believe that's exclusively referencing the $20 DLC. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SxFQ1qKjrlHjyFekZeZhaA8tY7hv_yvkdcLxCeynffA/edit#gid=0 iHUD is not listed, but according to the comments as of 15NOV2021: So it's not a complete list, but I hope that y'all find it as helpful as I have. Cheers, Cotton
  6. Semantics. So what I've been calling "AE" should be called "version 1.6" to keep back confusion, as "AE" may also be considered the CC content that was actually a $20 DLC. So I'll reword: Version 1.6 is not JUST DLC. It is a MAJOR change. That means that a HUGE amount of mods don't work, and not knowing which ones do & don't would be very easy to tag, or even better, a version 1.6 section (which I just assumed was a no-brainer from the beginning) & save hours for people looking for confirmed working version 1.6 mods. Anyone that argues otherwise is either being contrary and/or just plain grumpy, and I hope they get some sunshine in their life. Cotton ...and yes, after the searching I just went through, I might be a little grumpy, & need some sunshine in my own life :smile: I actually thought that "Anniversary Edition" would have been treated more like LE to SE, not old-'Rim to LE, knowing that about the same amount of mods were going to break, so I was foolishly waiting on a new Skyrim AE game to load into my Vortex (silly me), but as stated, it was not considered a different game, just a MAJOR update, so a TON of mods for 1.5 became instantly obsolete at the release of version 1.6. Perhaps the Address Library solved the problem for version 1.5, but it too became obsolete. Whether they create a 1.6 section, or use tags to filter the results, it doesn't matter as long as there's a way to separate the version 1.5 mods from the version 1.6 mods. Spending hours going through the comments section on every mod page will not convince me to spend more time on the Nexus. On the contrary, I will tidy up the chapter of my let's-play, & wait for TES VI to release in 2071. There, 'nuf said, Cotton
  7. Anniversary Edition is not JUST a DLC. It is a MAJOR change. That means that a HUGE amount of mods don't work, and not knowing which ones do & don't would be very easy to tag, or even better, an AE section (which I just assumed was a no-brainer from the beginning) & save hours for people looking for confirmed working AE mods. Anyone that argues otherwise is either being contrary and/or just plain grumpy, and I hope they get some sunshine in their life. Cotton EDIT: ...and yes, after the searching I just went through, I might be a little grumpy, & need some sunshine in my own life :smile:
  8. Some mods work, the biggies don't. From where I'm sitting, the transition feels awfully familiar. Just my 2¢ anyway, Cotton
  9. From my perspective, AE is as different from SE as SE is from LE. Is this a fair analysis? Cotton
  10. POST DELETED Seriously though, we really should have a way of filtering mods that are AE-confirmed working. The "trial & error" method is just too risky for me. Cotton
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