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Everything posted by keroneiden

  1. So i was making my mod and after some navmeshing i clicked 'save' and it crashed. I was convinced it had something to do with navmeshing, but i was wrong. There were 2 things i found that could make it crash on save: 1. Having a new music track assigned to a place or action WITHOUT A MUSIC FILE SELECTED (it de-selects the file each time you save, so you have to do it every time) 2. Having a magic effect without any actual magic effect, like an empty entry. Not sure if this helps you, but when i deleted the music track from the list and the effectless magic, it got fixed.
  2. So i managed to make the actor sit; the only problem is that hes sitting in a throne but he sits like a normal chair and i want him to sit like in a throne, like a kingly pose :S how can i do that?
  3. so im making a mod :3 but i have a lot of doubts. (i only use SCK) How do i force an actor to sit in a throne? I have made the actor and placed the pre-marked throne. What i've tried is using a GetSitState script in my actor, but didnt work. So i checked a jarl and realised they have a Sit quest; i duplicated it and changed both its name and ID and applied it to my actor, but still it wont sit :sad: How can i make land in the air? Is it even possible? Like a floating island, Dalaran style (for those who have played WoW) or at least to be floating over water, but not neccesarily attached to land level. How do i trace a walking route for an actor? like a path, a patrol line back and forth or cyclic walking line I want to add a magic effect to a custom item, but even tho it IS in the magic effects list, it is not in the avaliable enchantments for new objects. I have tried creating it through the in-game Console and it does work, but how can i make it through the SCK? I want to make a door that requires 4 different items to be set into it in order for it to open, like 4 keys or 4 crystals. Is that possible? If so, how? Any other doubt ill post it here. Thanks in advice for your help, i really appreciate it :smile:
  4. Thanks for the advice. Additional content. Enormous floating island above tamriel (or manage to make a visual of tamriel above). You can actually fall off of it; and if you do, you die. So does any NPC that falls, but respawns back up. Alternate storyline. A long quest chain with a variety of new towns and a big city, each with it's own shops, bars, houses, military, etc. Also side quests inside the towns/city. Several dungeons with different themes and decoration leading a main questline that ends with a very long, epic battle. Custom objects and spells. Must be avaliable for NON SKSKE VAINILLA skyrim. Also i want it to support online mode, which would allow co-op quests. --(not sure if even possible, but worth a try) All this requires exterior and interior design with correct visual rendering and collision composition, actor design and voice-over, quest design and dialog redaction, programming, and a lot more.
  5. Being honest, despite not a lot of different mods nor extremly complex, every single one i've made has ended up being exactly as I imagined. Besides, I quite frankly believe that an experienced modder does get to make a mod to be exactly as he/she imagined it to be. Of course, some times some ideas change during the production, but in the end, the result is as you desire... otherway, why would you release something not even you are satisfied with? :tongue: Every mod..."" ...really... ...hm... ...and did the endorsements correlate with your expectations too? Or was that on another cable channel altogether? :pirate: I don't watch TV, but yes, it all ended up exactly as i wanted to. Such curiosity Much clever Very talk wow My mind is wired backwards, so I see everything differently. (thanks) I love dat normal people are boring most of the times :v
  6. Being honest, despite not a lot of different mods nor extremly complex, every single one i've made has ended up being exactly as I imagined. Besides, I quite frankly believe that an experienced modder does get to make a mod to be exactly as he/she imagined it to be. Of course, some times some ideas change during the production, but in the end, the result is as you desire... otherway, why would you release something not even you are satisfied with? :tongue: Every mod..."" ...really... ...hm... ...and did the endorsements correlate with your expectations too? Or was that on another cable channel altogether? :pirate: I don't watch TV, but yes, it all ended up exactly as i wanted to. Such curiosity Much clever Very talk wow
  7. Being honest, despite not a lot of different mods nor extremly complex, every single one i've made has ended up being exactly as I imagined. Besides, I quite frankly believe that an experienced modder does get to make a mod to be exactly as he/she imagined it to be. Of course, some times some ideas change during the production, but in the end, the result is as you desire... otherway, why would you release something not even you are satisfied with? :P
  8. Why work with me? For the same reason a modder makes a mod: making the game even better than it originally is! I'm a story writer and i've made a couple of simple, small mods but i lack the experience required for this, and the tools it may take (i've only learned how to use SCK and i'm quite sure its not gonna be enough for this) Also, because if this project begins and goes well and gets finished, its going to be so incredibly awesome that i can assure you there will be people willing to support our work through donations. So if its $$$ what it takes, then there will most likely be $$$... in the end. Besides all that, it is a fact that different people have certain skills that not necesarilly others have; such as animation, 3D design, exteriors and interiors aesthetics vision, among others. People participating in this will have a chance to learn at least a little about something they don't already know (except for those -if there are any- who have a lot of knowledge about every single aspect of all the areas that a mod can affect) EDIT: I forgot to mention the online renown, reputation and fame in the Skyrim mods world that'll follow once this is all done. Want more? How about the hidden extra of getting in contact with modders about as experienced as you, and that you can work with some time later? A chance to get strong contacts...
  9. Hi, i have this project for a huge mod but i require several experienced people to participate in such production. Im in need of (at least): 5 experienced interiors designers and creators 5 " exteriors designers and creators 2 " actor " " " 1 " mod programmer People with experience in quest line creation and voice-over dialog creation The mod in project consists of: 4 massive dungeons 10 completely new outdoors 10 new interiors zones a s#*!-ton of new, customized npcs with customized items and spells Custom AI and custom new dungeon mechanics Also, fluent english is required as well of enough time to keep the project going on until finished. Spanish speakers are welcome too. Further information will be given to those willing to participate. Please leave replies if you have any doubt or if you'd like to be a part of this.
  10. I'll give it a shot; tho what i meant was something like... a bunch of bat files containing dev commands for acquiring and completing step-by-step stuff resumed in a couple of .txt files... Thanks anyway :) I'm tryin dat one
  11. I've been playing skyrim for years now, but the whole begining part is just SOOO BORING! My request is, a mod that activates once you're out of the Helgen Keep. The mod should skip everything that happens between you exiting from the keep's cave and retrieving the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. Is it possible? I don't really know much about modding, but I know you can (in theory) skip all that and then be teleported to a certain place by using console commands... Like, a dev console bat file... maybe a compilation of quest acquiring, step completion, add items and shouts and effects as needed, and then finishing quests and teleporting the player to... i dont know, dragonsreach? Please do, thanks!
  12. I've done a few simple mods so far, nothing complex, but there are some things i'd like to know if they're possible to achieve in the SCK. 1. Make a Summoning spell that allows summoning the actor in the air 2. Add new music to the game (e.g. a song, music from another game, a speech) 3. Changing an already-existing audio in-game to be the one in point 2 (e.g. change the main theme for the audio in point 2) 4. Give speeches to a summon 5. Make summons not make zombie sounds Thanks in advance, If I have any other doubts ill post them here
  13. Well the thing is as follows: I've created a custom island using the Skyrim Creation Kit. For this i have only used the main Skyrim file, no expansions. Things are: CLIMATE: I'm using the BLACKREACH climate. It makes the air blue and the sky looks always night, but theres one little problem... when I stand in the island, looking to the horizon, everyting is OK, but when I look UP, theres a HUGE grey square in the middle of the sky, completely destroying the whole atmosphere. MUSIC: For some reason, no matter which MUSIC i select, no music plays. Only when I tried MUSSovngardeHallOfValor something played, other than that, wouldnt work. TRANSPORTATION: So I was following a video guide (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbtNQCWX-_E) to make this world, but at minute 10:44, when its time to write the script at the statue, i get 3 errors and a failed message. I do everything exactly as the guy in the video does, but i get 3 errors and ive got no answer from any source to this. How can I link an item so that when i activate it, it takes me to my island, and an item in the island that takes me out of it? Thanks in advance.
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