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  1. Just incase you were still wondering, i found that mod that caused it. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35546 - causes a bullet/kill shot feature where the camera follows your arrow to the target for the final kill shot. It slows down time as it does this, and the timescale wasnt reseting in some cases, as the arrow would sometimes fly through an object and end up flying forever. Fixed it by shooting another arrow at a wall or something to allow the time to reset when it landed correctly.
  2. I think it was more to do with a problem within the ini file to be honest, i reset the ini before i added the mods again, cant see how a mod would slow down time in game.. Having some trouble setting up the dark UI mod now though, it seems to be conflicting with the XP leveling mod, im sure i got this to work last time...
  3. So after playing oblivion fine all day, i shut my laptop down. Jut booted it up again now and when i load up oblivion, everything goes in slow motion... The only thing ive done to the game since then is replace the jumping animation, so sure that wont have caused this. Ive had a search around, and this is usually because of a joystick device or something, but ive not got anything connected to my laptop, ive changed the ini file to 'buse joystick 0' instead of 1. Still going slo mo... Okay, so after having delted all my mods and reinstalling them carefully, this issue has been resolved, but in case it happens again sometime soon ill leave the topic here for anyone that might have a solution :)
  4. Excellent, got the level reset and got that mod downloaded, its actually a great mod, never seen it before. As an archer using an increased bow damage mod, its nice to know i wont be losing out on marksman levels just because im not using as much arrows to kill my target. Thanks a bunch for all your help, i think this issue has been solved for me now :D
  5. Okay, that seems to have worked. I think what was happening was, when i got the part where i picked me class, the stat boosts that come along with it were corresponding with the level, rather than just adding to my current stats, so when it saw level 22 there, it would set up the class and stats for a level 22 charactar.. So this has worked properly now, but you mentioned that using the console like this can mess with the internal leveling mechanics.... am i alright to continue playing the game as normal now? or should i expect some problems with the leveling down the line. If so, just out curiosity, would downloading a character advancement mod solve that problem? so that way its the mod that controls the leveling system... Or does it not work that way.. Thanks for the help
  6. Okay, so apparently the problem HASNT been resolved. The stats all reset as mentioned above, but when i finish the tutorial, and pick a class, the stats all boost back up to what they were before. I got the part where i pick the birthsign, and that was fine, increased my attributes accordingly, but then i picked my class, and that just shot all the skills and attributes back up to what they were before.. Tried the showracemenu thing and it doesnt work, i click done and confirm i want to be a 'Tam' but nothing changes... any help here?
  7. Don't just click return when you use 'showracemenu', because it won't register a change. Go into the menu, change the colour of the eyes and then say 'Yes' when it asks if you want to be that race. Go right back and change the eyes back. Take the opportunity to change birthsign and class, too, if you want to. That should reset everything. EDIT : This worked up until the part where i picked my class, then all the stats jumped straight back to what they were before, with even more points being added with my class..... As mentioned below
  8. Hey, so ive recently reinstalled oblivion and all of its modding glory. The game itself is running fine n all but there are a couple of issues that ive got at the moment. 1: Whenever i attack, i seem to be getting some kind of sound glitch, its like the sound of a door opening repeating over and over for as long as i have the attack button held. It doesnt happen when i use a bow, only with melee attacks. Ive got the 300 combt sounds mod running, but ive disabled the esp and its still happening. For whatever reason, it seems my melee attacks are triggering some weird sound effect that shouldn't be triggered with combat. Worse part is i dont have the original sound backup files, its on my hard drive which i left at home (at uni at the moment). SO does anyone have any suggestions? or maybe a link to the original oblivion sound files (if they are even available for download). EDIT - Fixed the above problem with : http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15677 ----- 2: Is there any way to use a mod/cheat/console command to RESET your level? Im playing using a custom race mod, one of River Tam to be exact, and everything is great except the author of the mod for some reason included a savegame in which the charactar is level 22 and has all these crazy spells, even though the savegame starts at the very beginning of the game. I would like to play through the game and level up myself with this charactar, so is there any way to reset your skills and attributes? ive tried editing the facegen using 'showracemenu' and just clicking return, hoping that would set everything back its default stats, but it didnt work. Ive also tried going into the construction set, and changing the race statistics on the esp, but even though the esp has now been altered to set the 'Tam' race to normal stats, with no spells, when i load the game up she is still level 22 with crazy stats and spells... If anyone could help me out on either of these topics, it would be awesome :D
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