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Everything posted by Dohkaviin

  1. Hi, I'm new to this site so don't get too harsh. Alright, I would want a mod that replaces villager's clothing ONLY. No bandit armor, no dwarven armor, no dragon armor, no armors. Only clothing. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9546 This was nice, but it's all armor... No clothing :down:
  2. None of it is what I wanted :(
  3. Hi, I was looking for mods that would make my skyrim a bit like GTA IV. So, my mod request is: 1. If I use fireball or other explosive spells, the player or an NPC would go to ragdoll mode (but can still recover, like when you use a werewolf then you use a power attack on an NPC and that NPC goes into ragdoll mode but is still not dead and gets back up) 2. NPC or player goes into ragdoll mode if it falls from a high place. If possible, it would be best to make a slider or something to make the ragdoll height threshold a bit higher. 3. A shout or spell or other things I can use so I can go into ragdoll mode but when I press it again or when I release it from holding, the player can get up. 4. Getting hit by heavy objects would make the player or NPC go into ragdoll mode. e.g: if you activate a trap that is wired to a mammoth skull, and it hits you, you would go into ragdoll mode (since it is heavy) 5. (optional) grenades or bombs you could craft that can be used to test the mod. Also, if you could, you could make it that the bomb is in the inventory the moment you install it and run the game 6. (Optional) If NPC/Player gets hit by an arrow, he will be ragdollized for half a sec 7. Ragdoll death camera animation can be on first person not just thirdperson 8. Can move mouse while Ragdollized 8. Parent head to camera direction, so that when you move the camera, the player moves his/her head too. I guess that's all, Also, sorry for the bad english 'cause I'm asian ;D
  4. Hello, I downloaded http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11447# but when I use a torch, they dont use the animation wherein they get their hands to a 90 degree angle. It really looks bad cause it looks like they're scorching themselves. Can anyone please fix this? PS. I downloaded the BBP but I tested the non BBP animations and it's the same. Also -If nobody minds if I post here- can anyone help me find (i don't care if it's lore friendly or not) If someone could help me find some sexy clothes mod for this (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4888) mod? :P
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