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Everything posted by GHosTxShadoux

  1. I have a couple of really annoying bugs occurring in my save right now. I've looked into them and I think I know how to fix them, but the problem is that I can't do it myself. I don't have/can't use Oblivion on PC, and I can't find any way to fix these bugs without using the console. I just started playing Oblivion again for the first time in years, and apparently I have a bounty (5040 gold) in the Shivering Isles that I cannot get rid of. I've already finished the main SI quest line, so I know that the city guards can't get rid of it, and since it's over 5000 gold I can't pay it off even to the couple guards who would let you after finishing the main SI quest line. I also somehow screwed up the thieves guild quest line. After I completed the Boots of Springheel Jak, I didn't get the update for Independent Thievery because I had fenced over a certain amount of gold before or during the Springheel Jak quest. There are exactly two ways I can think of to fix this. 1.) The save is loaded on PC and then fixed with console commands. 2.) A save editor is created that allows you to change all stats including bounties as well as add/set/remove quests and quest stages to your journal. Since the second option is even more unlikely to happen because of save editor bans in certain regions, that leaves me with the first option. So all I'd need someone to do is load my save (which is already converted to .ess) then open the console and type in these commands, before saving the game. >player.payfine >SetStage TCGStolenGoods 110 Just a tedious straight forward bug-fix tech support job. Probably would take less than a minute on PC, depending on loading time. If there is anyone here willing to help me with this, either reply here or message me and I'll get you my save file. Otherwise I guess I'm just screwed forever and can't enjoy these things until I can get a PC or laptop that can run Oblivion. I would be extremely grateful for any and all help here.
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