So, By looking over some of the mods out there, the difference is still ~HUGE~! And no one has made a mod yet they just post saying the same thing, "It's very hard" but in a way where it makes them look good. So let me just say I want a Dog mod, That works with Roberts full male body (latest version). And I want good textures not like half the mods created when they get to the Crotch they just stop. IT gets SOOOO annoying. I mean, if you look at half the mods out there for races only on the males do they quit on the crotch but on a female they continue it all the way. So, IF your a modder reading this or someone who wants to find a mod (sigh) Find one that actually didn't quit out on the crotch. I mean if you want a good cool nice screen shot and all you get is some Modders work who did awesome on everything and then you find out that they quit.... Its ANNOYING. Unlike Slof, who didn't stop on the crotch, and now her mods are pretty much the only beast mods people do enjoy to play as. I mean, if you look at the Wolven mod, THEY QUIT out on it. Same with the Soqui mod, and the vixen mod. And I can name a whole bunch more off but not to offend too many modders I'll stop. But If your someone out there who isn't some person who only likes to see women, HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohh yeah, If you look at the top 5 files right now in the Hot Files box At this time when this is posted you will see only Female mods. THAT MAKES ME SO MAD! And to add to that, none of them are beast mods. So please, Help me and help a lot of others who don't really have the time to go into the forums and post for help by Acutaly doing somthing instead of coming on here and posting something we already found, (Just to let everyone know, I was being nice. I already found all those mods. But thanks for the help anyways It was very kind of you to take your time and find something for another person who you don't know.) Witch Didn't have anything to do with what I just said, Just dont post it PLease. Oh and good luck to anyone who can find something. :thumbsup: :wallbash: