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Everything posted by gba25

  1. Turns out I am dumb. I forgot to increment i inside while and it was stuck in infinite loop. This is my first time writing code in papyrus script so I was looking error in variable types or code structure
  2. Hello, I am trying to create spell which conjures armor and equips it to the player. I created magic effect with the following script: Scriptname conjureArmorScript extends ActiveMagicEffect Armor Property bodyarmor Auto Armor Property gauntlets Auto Armor Property boots Auto Armor Property helmet Auto Armor[] Property oldArmor Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Actor player = akCaster ;saving old armor for equipping after effect is finished; oldArmor[0] = player.GetWornForm(0x00000004) as Armor oldArmor[1] = player.GetWornForm(0x00000008) as Armor oldArmor[2] = player.GetWornForm(0x00000080) as Armor oldArmor[3] = player.GetWornForm(0x00000001) as Armor ;adding new armor; player.Additem(bodyarmor,1) player.Additem(gauntlets,1) player.Additem(boots,1) player.Additem(helmet,1) ;equip new armor; player.EquipItem(bodyarmor,false,true) player.EquipItem(gauntlets,false,true) player.EquipItem(boots,false,true) player.EquipItem(helmet,false,true) EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Actor player = akCaster ;checking old armor and equipping: int i = 0 while i<4 Armor tmp = oldArmor[i] if tmp != None player.EquipItem(tmp,false,true) endif endwhile ;remove new armor from inventory, this part doesn't work, items still stay in the inventiry; player.RemoveItem(bodyarmor,1) player.RemoveItem(gauntlets,1) player.RemoveItem(boots,1) player.RemoveItem(helmet,1) EndEvent Magic effect is attached to lesser power. When I activate this power it behaves very strangely. First new armor is equipped but after power expires new armor isn't removed from the inventory. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it?
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