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  1. It seems like Nexus may be having an issue.. images for mods are not loading, and the chat room seems to be broken as well.
  2. In response to post #34089375. #34090240 is also a reply to the same post. What a useless and douchy comment. Well done russ.
  3. I get CTD when loading a save or starting a new game. I disabled all mods, removed any flag files from SetDressing, and removed my .ini files and let fallout regenerate them. Still CTDs. :/ RIP mods. Currently backing up my mods folder, going to uninstall and reinstall fresh... and begin the arduous task of reinstalling mods 1 by 1.......
  4. I had that laser color mod as well, but uninstalling doesn't help for me. :/ I get CTD on new games and saved games, even will all mods disabled.
  5. If it is anything like Skyrim, I remember there were different combat 'packages' you could assign to NPCs in the CK. It determined their behavior, mainly in what types of weapons/combat they preferred but I do believe it also affected how they acted (defensive/offensive). I could be wrong on that.. it's been a while. That might be something.
  6. I'm having a somewhat similar issue, where the guards in whiterun turn on me (or nearby NPCs in some cases!) for no reason. They just go hostile for no reason.
  7. Well that is understandable. Fixes/updates for the other stuff would be nice, though. And really, I'm not asking it to show ALL of the rings.. but showing at least the one ring would be nice.
  8. Hoping someone could do a quick retexture of the Helm of Yngol, in THIS style: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3629 but with the original horn color. I'm aware you can't just use that author's texture without permission, and he has apparently abandoned it (hasn't commented in ages, and I mailed him with no response as well). But yea.. Idea being someone just does their own texture in a very similar style, and perhaps offers a black AND an original style horn. Thanks for your time.
  9. REQUEST: Currently there are two mods that mess with unlimited rings/amulets. One is outdated and broken, the other is outdated and abandoned but still works (with bugs). I'm hoping someone can re-tackle this concept, and do it better in the process. The current offering works, but has the following problems: 1) Has some kind of issue with enchantments from rings/amulets getting 'stuck' on a player when worn in a certain combination. 2) Rings (at least, might be amulets too) no longer physically show on the player with that mod installed. 3) Not technically a bug, but there have been about a billion requests to simply allow the player to equip 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, or 10x rings instead of unlimited rings. So yea. There you have it. Thanks for your time!
  10. In the skyrimprefs.ini find the line bDrawLandShadows=1 and set it to 0. Having it off MAY cause other problems, though. Some people with ATI cards get a weird transparent overlay that only shows on the grass when it is turned off (with the 1.5 patch). Either way, give that a try.
  11. Some of the things you describe sound like they could be caused by the latest (beta) patch.. the 1.5 patch. Do you have that installed?
  12. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1874 - Eye Patches There's that one at least. :P
  13. This is something I have been hoping someone would tackle, as it really bothers me as well.
  14. I'm assuming this does not work for base NPCs that were duplicated, and then edited? (ie you duplicated it, and then changed the base ID?) This has been driving me insane.
  15. You didn't really say what your actual problem is.. you basically have all the same sliders, etc that are available in the game itself.. it's just laid out differently.
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