Yes I agree that 3440x1440 is stressful on a 980ti with reshade and lots of mods BUT I must admit that performance is a heck of a lot better on this Special Edition, I'm not sure i'd even use ENB again as visually i'm pleased with my mods and a reshade. I was using uGrids 7 on Old Skyrim for some time without issue when I finally got my head around how to actually implement the change correctly. All the purpose of this thread was for was to share knowledge as SE is a very different beast, I'm not serious about a play through yet as i await other mods that I need for a fresh start so I'm using this time to test. Changing the detailed LOD to 21 has proven to be stable and with out a issue although I still can't get my head around the tree pop in as even with the uGridsToLoad upped (I been as far as 11) it does not fix tree pop in. Oh and one last thing that is puzzling me, I perfectly understand that upping uGrids hit's the FPS BUT whether it's 7, 9 or 11 my FPS stays the same. So for example with uGrids at default I'm at a solid (CAPPED) 60 FPS when running through the settlements outside Whiterun but when set to 7,9 or 11 it's 45 FPS, I moved to higher ground and the increased grids was obviously working but performance impact no different. Any way back to it.