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dagoth v.s fargoth

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About dagoth v.s fargoth

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  1. It's not quite a monster on morrowind, but whenever i stare into a mirror, instead of seeing a gorgeous man which explains homosexuality, i see his looming great beast of a man, his red eyes piercing through my skin and smashing my nerves inside me. mum has the exact same problem, except it's worse and it only happens when she has only justt gotten out of bed. WEIRD, HUH?
  2. (everything is silent) ... ... hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm.... (everyone starts talking again) so i says to fargoth i say: Fargoth, you're a **** off!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  3. in this order any final fantasy oblivion any tekken morrowind everything else
  4. it's amazing all of this morrowind knowledge and yet, because it's pinned, most people will ignore it i reckon 9 of 10 ppl ignore the pinned threads, however good they are wot a waste if more than 5 people answer me by the end of the day, i'm wrong IF
  5. although most would like it (so would i) i still think that it will b a bad idea. everyone will b online instead of normal game. unless or shopkeepers rejuvenate their supply of goods regularly (which would make it far 2 easy) nobody would b able 2 get wot tha want coz some1 else has already bought it. the barterers wud hav no money coz some1 else cheated them out of it. on various thieves guild quests, u hav 2 steal stuff, which has already been stolen by some1 else all daedric ruins would b empty coz some1 else already raided them most (if not, all) quests would have been done by some1 else so there'd b nothing 2 do various high or mid level ppl would often try 2 slaughter other mid or low level ppl and i gotta admit, 1 of those ppl would b me on the other hand, i think most would luv it, regardless or sometimes even because of wot i just said. although i guess it wud b fun 2 have sort of like a co op with my best mates and sum strangers i've never met before in my life. all the same, the cons easily outweigh the pros, i wud like it, but i think that for the above reasons, it will probably never happen.
  6. a scarred, cloaked character limps in... he says in a hoarse voice a round of your finest beers for all brertons, altmer, bosmer, argonians, orcs, redgards, nords, khajit and imperials on me not you dunmer, your kind just attacks me all the time... (a drunken dunmer approaches) take THIS (punches him) NAFF OFF!!!! (sits near Arodom) so anyways, here's a joke for ya a nord comes up 2 a dunmer and pulls faces the dunmer walks away the nord catches up and mimics the dunmer the dunmer runs away, quite annoyed the nord catches up and sings "i know a song that'll get on ya nervers" and a nord singing is funny in itself but then, the dunmer slashes the nord the nord says "was i that annoying?" the dunmer replies "no, it was annording" (cackles like a witch) another 1 an orc was exploring with 2 of his friends, when he falls off of a cliff as he fell, he broke both arms and legs, so when his friends let down the rope, the orc grabbed on with his teeth about 3 ft. before the orc got 2 the top, the redgard says "how ya doing" and the reply comes "fine thank youaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" (giggles like a school girl) idiotic orcs
  7. my character was in for it was killing fargoth and being a dis at the guards please only read lines 1, 3, 5 and 6 If we aren't supposed to read 2 and 4 there's no point in having them. As the forum may have those of 11 or younger (as opposed to those who post as if they were) we need to be a little careful what the parents may get to see.
  8. along time ago there was just one land, and one hero to protect it. he was called Meldor master of massacre and magic alike he had three sons... fargoth, aengoth and Levigoth Levithiar expected them all to b great heros fargoth became a wuss and aengoth became a thief it was down to Levigoth (me) i first tried the knight in shining armour hero. i had admantium armour, an uber jinkblade and many followers. i picked a fight with father 2 prove worth. We clenched our swords and swiped at each other as silence fell. i screamed with pain and everything went black. when i awoke, everyone told me that it was fargoth who k.o'd me. in shame, i became a mage. i got lessons from some guy called tahriah who was making a flight spell. i snuck up on fargoth, was just about 2 cast the spell when 1 of his spells hit. everything went black. i became a healer. i tried to heal (duh). my reason 4 failing this time was that i'm a dumb@$$ at healing and gave coprus disease to all patients. whilst failing, i earned no money in 20 years. i struggled to make ends meet. every day was a fight against fate to survive. i went rogue. i realised that my talents lied in thieving. i left 2 go to a new land called Tamriel to find Aengoth. whilst on the boat i was arrested. Fargoth (who had secretly become emporer) had paid 4 my release. i carried on thieving. i developed a taste 4 assassination. i just do odd jobs these days (most of which are illegal) and have since slaughtered meldor, fargoth and aengoth and have recently obtained my 1500th kil i celebrate... WITH A VENGEANCE!!!!
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