a scarred, cloaked character limps in... he says in a hoarse voice a round of your finest beers for all brertons, altmer, bosmer, argonians, orcs, redgards, nords, khajit and imperials on me not you dunmer, your kind just attacks me all the time... (a drunken dunmer approaches) take THIS (punches him) NAFF OFF!!!! (sits near Arodom) so anyways, here's a joke for ya a nord comes up 2 a dunmer and pulls faces the dunmer walks away the nord catches up and mimics the dunmer the dunmer runs away, quite annoyed the nord catches up and sings "i know a song that'll get on ya nervers" and a nord singing is funny in itself but then, the dunmer slashes the nord the nord says "was i that annoying?" the dunmer replies "no, it was annording" (cackles like a witch) another 1 an orc was exploring with 2 of his friends, when he falls off of a cliff as he fell, he broke both arms and legs, so when his friends let down the rope, the orc grabbed on with his teeth about 3 ft. before the orc got 2 the top, the redgard says "how ya doing" and the reply comes "fine thank youaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" (giggles like a school girl) idiotic orcs