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  1. Dark Messiah fighting mechanic. (Sounds are edited so they are not from original game, they were added/edited for fun) -You can hold charge attacks, and release them when you want. (stamina per second cost for two handed weapons) -Left mouse button is for attacking with both weapons, not separately which have no use in SKYRIM, you will still use only left and dual attacks. -Light attacks, rapidly pressing button doing a short combo 4-5 hits. -Charge attacks have 100% stun. -Stun is shortened (to not allow stun locks by spamming charge attacks)-Two Charge attack hits = Clash. -Sprint charge attacks (2 or 3 hits short combo) -Jump charge attack. -Adrenaline add with every attack. -Adrenaline when fully charges, add possibility to do a lot stronger charge attack that deals 6x damage, have different animation and it's two or more hits, depending on weapon and type of charge. (really helpful if you fight several enemies at once, if you beat two of them you should have adrenaline charged already so next two enemies will be easy to beat. This is as a reward for fighting good and for survivability.) -Able to use environment to make enemies fall to the ground. -Able to do finishers on them when they are lying on the ground. -Cancelable attacks (Already have that mod in skyrim). -No slow movement while attacking with weapons (This add possibility to change positions at will, to have more strategic points where enemies can't get you in group, so even if you are alone vs 6 you can beat them without taking any damage) -Head slashes do double damage. (In Dark Messiah it's 3x) -All weapons (Dual, Single, Two handed) have different animation attacks, and even dual charge attacks. -Jumps cancel attacks (That give more possiblity of combos [starts from 1:15] ) -There is porbably more. -Of course all of these changes and possibilities should apply to enemies as well. It would bring a fantastic fighting mechanic to an OPEN WORLD, making the game super fun, instead of boring and slow Elder Scroll mechanic.
  2. Hi. I'm playing the game as assassin, and when I finally got invisibility spell, the game started getting boring and too easy. I'm just holding right mouse button where I have my invisibility spell, go behind target and when I press left mouse button to make sneak attack, I'm releasing right mouse button to quickly become invisible again after I kill the target. Move to another target and repeat and repeat until I kill everything. It's just super boring. I don't get why people cried about invisibility spell nerf in Skyrim, it is still super overpowered with light armor and silence caster perk. In Predator and Alien vs Predator movies or even games, you can clearly see that something is moving when invisible predator is in front of you or in movies. It would be awesome if invisibility spell could not grant 100% invisibility, but make you 80% less visible.
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