Hello I was puzzled as to why Belethor's store in Whiterun hadn't opened for a few days, so I checked if he was alive by using 'prid hisID' and then 'moveto player'. Well, his corpse turned up in front of me so I resurrected him and then he went into his store as usual. However he didn't give me a dialogue option to buy things, just some normal questions. I googled for a fix and I found this: prid 0001A672 moveto player enable resurrect addtofaction 51596 1 addtofaction 51599 1 Which worked perfectly, however when I went to solitude, Beirand was killed by vampires, I resurrected him and the exact same problem occurred: No dialogue option for buying or selling. I've looked for quite a while but I cannot identify what the numbers 51596 and 51599 are nor where they come from (they look nothing like traditional faction IDs like 0002817C), is there a list somewhere? If I found the pair of faction codes for Beirand then I assume it would fix him as well, just like Belethor. Thanks