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About engapol

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  1. I find combat is way too easy purely because I can just spam stimpaks, can anyone make a mod that brings the healing rate down to survival levels for the other difficulty levels? Yes I know I could just play survival but I don't want all those extra features and the mods that let you customize survival mode seem buggy/limited. Someone has made a mod that makes it 1/3 the speed of vanilla but it's still way too fast. Would be much appreciated thanks.
  2. A lot of custom NPCs and my own character have either CBBE/UNP bodies. Therefore any sheathed swords and bows carried on the back hover like 15cm from the body, are there any mods that can bring them back into contact with the body?
  3. Yea that's what I thought but then I hear so much about how it's bad to uninstall script heavy mods.
  4. Yea not having much luck, for example I have RS Chlidren Overhaul and CoT running but I can't seem to find anything in their NMM archives that point to a patch, even though I clearly remember there being an option for patches when I installed them.
  5. I currently have several mods (some of which are scripted) in NMM but what should I do if I get another mod that requires patching one of my existing mods? Lets say I download Wyrmstooth or Falskaar. My existing mods are compatible with these new lands but only if you tick boxes in them while installing with NMM, the only way I see how I can make them compatible is to uninstall them and then reinstall with the correct boxes ticked to cover my new mods. I've heard it's dangerous for a save-game to uninstall some of the 'bigger' mods mid-game, however does this only happen if I load up a game with the mods uninstalled? Or is it OK to uninstall then quickly reinstall them without starting Skyrim in between?
  6. Just got back to Skyrim after a year off, fortunately (and amazingly given how old this is) it looks like this forum and the modding community are still active. I did a clean re-install of my game with my favourite mods but after a few hours of play I've noticed that despite using ELFX+ Realvision ENB+CoT, the interior of hearthfire houses use terrifically bad vanilla lighting. All other interior cells in-game have been covered by the lighting mod but not the player-built houses. I've checked the latest versions of ELFX+RLO but I can't find anything mentioning hearthfire, has there been any progress on this yet?
  7. Hello I was puzzled as to why Belethor's store in Whiterun hadn't opened for a few days, so I checked if he was alive by using 'prid hisID' and then 'moveto player'. Well, his corpse turned up in front of me so I resurrected him and then he went into his store as usual. However he didn't give me a dialogue option to buy things, just some normal questions. I googled for a fix and I found this: prid 0001A672 moveto player enable resurrect addtofaction 51596 1 addtofaction 51599 1 Which worked perfectly, however when I went to solitude, Beirand was killed by vampires, I resurrected him and the exact same problem occurred: No dialogue option for buying or selling. I've looked for quite a while but I cannot identify what the numbers 51596 and 51599 are nor where they come from (they look nothing like traditional faction IDs like 0002817C), is there a list somewhere? If I found the pair of faction codes for Beirand then I assume it would fix him as well, just like Belethor. Thanks
  8. Thanks, knew how to install it I was just worried it might overwrite the whole thing and get rid of my mods.
  9. I have 0.45.7 now, and I can't login to the NMM client so how do I update to 0.46.0? Usually I would just let it open then let it prompt me asking if I want to update it but obviously I can't...
  10. In response to post #10450085. #10450134, #10450192, #10453415 are all replies on the same post. NMM appears to be up and working for me again after a few days, thank you for the hard work.
  11. OK, the only mods I have are a few extra armour sets and the Xvision Children Overhaul V2.1 with the hearthfire patch which makes them look a heckofalot better. I didn't notice until quite a while after I got those mods that I could kill children, I decided one day to stick a crossbow bolt in the Jarl of Whiterun's son and he died! I then spawned a few more of him with the console and they all died when I attacked them. I even spawned a few different children to test it, no difference, they are killable now. As far as I know only the killable children mod allows you to do that and the only mod that I have that could possibly affect them would be that appearance overhaul which shouldn't even affect their ability to withstand multiple fatal wounds.
  12. I think I know what I'm doing wrong, the only skills I have that get any meaningful progress are: Sneak, Archery,Light armour, Block, One-handed, Speech and lockpicking. And I'll stop quick travelling.
  13. Yea I fast travel all the time, what lvl should I be around for the amount of content I've covered?
  14. I'm lvl 36, I've completed: Dragonborn Civil war questline Companions Dark brotherhood Dawnguard All but one of the city questlines Nearly all Daedric quests I've done most of the main questlines and I'm not even halfway to 81 yet, is this normal? I don't want to be stuck with menial quests and tasks after completing the main story (which is pretty soon)
  15. None at all...just the 3 DLC packs
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