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About Nychus01

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  1. Sounds like exactly what I need. :D Those three quests aren't listed when I expand the quests tree under my ESP in FNVEdit, though. Do I need to apply (or remove) some kind of filter which is presently causing it to only show the changes I made within the plugin? I hadn't made modifications to those three quests in my plugin so they aren't showing up.
  2. The output I quoted is what gets produced by the script when I highlight my plugin, choose "List records referencing specific plugin," and provide the load order of the Master file I'm trying to dereference in the prompt which comes up. When I try running the script from the master file against the plugin there are no results returned, as I would expect to be the case. There are multiple quests with the prefix drg added by the master file, but the only ones the script is returning as references are the ones with GREETING in them. Looking at the entries themselves I'm just not sure how to get rid of them. Deleting the quests adds to the number of changes FNVEdit detects, as does deleting the dialogue specific to GREETING. I just want to be able to cut loose the Melissa master file. I'm not seeing what changes exist unless it's counting changes to GREETING for other NPCs as a change against GREETING in the Melissa file.
  3. I think I marked the "Top-level" checkbox on GREETING while I was editing dialog for a different character. Not sure if I can come back from that. :/ I would lose hours upon hours of work reverting to the original. I really ought to get some kind of source control, instead of just copy-pasting the file before editing it. The following is returned by FNVEdit when I run the script "List records referencing specific plugin":
  4. It would appear that the problem is that the GREETING dialog topic was altered for other NPCs while the unwanted master file was accidentally left open. No change was made directly to content from the master file I'm trying to remove (a companion mod, incidentally), but it looks like I might not be able to make this work without deleting all changes made to GREETING for 22 other NPCs.
  5. Is it possible, using FNVEdit, to find and remove any changes in an ESP which rope in a specific ESM file? I accidentally included a certain companion ESM file in an ESP I'm working on for a different mod and the master cleanup didn't get rid of it. There has to be some way to track down the source of the unwanted dependency and get rid of it. I'm pretty new to GECK modding, so if this comes across as a stupid question I apologize.
  6. Interesting! Any idea how to get started? I'm pretty much brand new at Geck aside from fixing typos in named objects and dialogue in other mods.
  7. Heck, it would almost be adequate just to use the "crouch-walking while holding a rifle" animation, putting the rope in their hands and rotating the Courier's worldview 60-90 degrees onto their back depending on the slope of the surface they're on or something.
  8. I find myself frequently needing to scale down cliffs. One can do this by walking horizontally along cliff faces, inching your way down from ledge to ledge - the Courier can stand on near-vertical cliff faces without sliding off, probably some kind of oversight, but useful. This gave me the idea of finding climbing equipment, like the Ropes from the STUN mod, maybe something to stake them with, and turning them into consumables which can be used to rappel safely down a cliff face or off the top of a building, one time each. Naturally, if you get shot or attacked by a Cazador or something while rappeling, you ragdoll and fall the remaining distance, taking whatever damage that would normally inflict. Maybe toss a Strength or Endurance check in there to see if you hold on, factor something like that into how quickly you can descend. Hit the jump key to push away from the cliff and drop faster. Another option for letting go of the rope and dropping the remaining distance, attempting to land naturally. Maybe even stop-to-shoot, but have to remain stationary if you do that until you make it all the way down. I'm a GECK noob, and in any case this would likely require some animation work. Thought I'd toss the idea out there in case anyone else is familiar with "cliffing" their way into valleys instead of taking a roundabout route.
  9. Would it be possible to have a mod where the last handgun/holstered weapon you equipped remains visible in your holster when you switch to a two-handed weapon, and your last-used two-handed weapon stays on your back when you switch to the sidearm? Maybe have a single button to either quickly swap between them, or instantly drop the currently-equipped two-handed weapon (if empty) to draw the sidearm? I just think it's funny when you have a holster mod which your sidearm fits in perfectly, but it vanishes the second you equip a different gun. I'm not certain if this is something the engine allows, but I'd really be interested if it is.
  10. Two companion mods that I'm aware of (Melissa Lewis and Wendy Gilbert) have separate inventories when swimming. OK, actually Wendy Gilbert has a separate inventory and Melissa Lewis just takes everything off. ANYWAY, what I was wondering was if something similar could be done with the Courier - a separate inventory which only applies when swimming. Instead of going into the water in a heavy jacket with a backpack and a hunting rifle, you transition into something more appropriate - vanilla underwear, or one of the swimwear mods out there. Would this be feasible, or is the inventory swap in companion mods only possible with NPCs?
  11. "Ghosts! Commie ghosts who don't know they're dead!" After listening to No-Bark talking about the intentions of Jason Bright and his followers, it got me thinking. What if, after you complete this quest without sabotaging the launch, the moon actually DID turn pink with a Lenin face on it? Would it even be possible to implement?
  12. I am brand new to Geck, and I have a very basic question. If I have an .esp file for an existing mod, and I want to go in and fix a typo in the Courier's dialogue speaking with a specific NPC, how would I go about doing that? I don't know how to find specific conversations. Can I search by the text itself, and if so, where would I look to do that? Any help would be appreciated.
  13. I hadn't heard of Cyan before, but no - I don't know how to make one. Is there an easy-to-use developer tool out there to alter existing items, or would I need to create new ones? I don't have any 3D modelling software.
  14. Maybe he could follow you like a Weeping Angel, only moving when you aren't looking. Or, what was that entity from Garry's Mod? The evil garden gnome that followed you the same way, only moving when you weren't looking, and would either stab you to death or vaporize you if you didn't keep running away from it and could only be killed with fire? That thing scared the bejesus out of me!
  15. I can't seem to find any way to keep Fiends from shooting at you on sight. Given that they get their chems from the Great Khans, it would make sense to me that if you're dressed like one they would recognize you as friendly unless you attack them. I haven't been able to find a mod which enables this. Would it be possible to make one?
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